Silver ion's Profile

Silver ion's Posts

Re: Ion

At 5 cents I won't be underwater anymore.

When SFMI finally gets bought out, I expect SFMI will be $1 pps at the lowest and perhaps as much as $3 at the highest IMO.

over 11 years ago
Re: Rocketstocks is freaking out on ISCUM

Eventually all the flea bitten monkeys on ISUM will eat crow and we long should have a good laugh at their expense, I can hardly wait...patients is what is needed but it's getting harder to find after all the delays. Yet, it will happen and SFMI SP will rise and hopefully bring most of us long suffering longs above water...05 cents will do it for me. I have faith in the management, even after all the shenanigans and BS, I beleive they'll pull it out in the long run and make us some money. Hopefully soon!


over 11 years ago
Re: Christmas wishes

Thanks Red for your Christmas greetings, I appreciate the positive sentiment of good will towards our fellow man...I too hope the best for us of all.

I believe 2013 will be a good year for SFMI/GHDC, so quit crying and start buying!!!

The world didn't end on 12/21/12 so everything is just fine...who cares about the dollar going down or hyperinflation, it's time to buy SFMI or GHDC, they're the deal of the cen tury at .0243'd have to be an idiot to not see the potential in these stocks...doubling your money at this price would easy.

Merry Christmas to all and world peace if that can ever happen. Yes, it's a pipe dream but look what happend to the 49ers the other day, Seattle kick their ass side ways....Seahawks.... the best team in the NFL? Yeah, maybe. we'll find out!

Best Regards to all longs.

over 11 years ago
Re: today's trading you expect AS to be involved in the next Form 4?

almost 12 years ago
Re: Couple of points...


My mistake was thinking that 4 g/t gold was extracted already, not 1 g/t gold. So I was using 4 to 5 grams from the assays as the base numbers to multiply into 20 to 25 g/t.

Thanks for your reply.


about 12 years ago
Silver ion
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