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Shash's Posts

Re: New POET Technologies address in San José

Lumenge, there is no indication, at this time, that she has left California.....

over 7 years ago
Re: Grasping at straws

HER electronics.....  :-)

over 7 years ago
Re: Changi Road, Singapore

Those are good general shots

The data room/ clean room pre-entry shot is good wirthout revealing too much!  :-)

over 7 years ago
Re: Changi Road, Singapore

Rainer, I can post some wonderful pictures of Singapore, the skyline, the antiquities and even some of Kaula Lumpur, :-)

But the moment we entered DL, phones , camera and anything that could record an image was collected by reception/security, and you are badged and have a escort. The hardware is returned on exit. Perhaps not that surprising. The exterior of the building looks much like the google earth image except there are a lot more vehicles and there is a security presence at the roadway entrance now.

over 7 years ago
Re: The future of the iPhone 8

Good post FJ!. When there is NO news, the human mind creates it

The simple truth is that long time investors, through failue by the company to meet targets and lack of information from the company, have allowed a very large mistrust of Suresh and Ajit to creep into the imaginary DD they think they are conducting. That mistrust is very much in evidence everyday on this board since Paul and I arrived home.

Many of you believed this was the next mega "get rich qiuck" scheme very early on and some techs in fact are. But the reality is that disrutive tech companies and stocks are rarely that, and when they are , they skyrocket after the disclosure to the market that there is a product in hand.

So, in essence, many who are experiencing this angst, bought in too soon, drank the koolaid, if you will, have beeen waiting too long and are tired of the sea of red. That's a normal reaction.


The CEO and the COB didn't deliberately mislead you 

The problem, since they took over, has been weaving a small company, led by very bright, but very big company and big budget oriented execs, through the landmine strewn landscape of tech development and commercialization (delays, finaite finaces, etc) and the investor fatigue that has created.

And the wait may continue for awhile. I very much agree with Mac (sorry old names linger) that we probably won't have news until the PRODUCT is complete. Not the components, the product! Because that's what moves the market for new investors and shareholders, not some short term head pats and reassurances to long time ones.

While the pictures af the San Jose location are appreaciated, they simply indicate a company in transition.

As quiet as Zanker Drive appears, Changi Road is bustling!  

I have a confidence based on exposure, if misguide, so be it.

Life has taught me patience!



over 7 years ago
Re: Pictures now on

Kooter, you are absolutely right

The Zanker Road building is an empty shell except for a couple of offices that are spareingly used, if at all anymore. The doors are usually locked and there is no reception of any kind. That piece of paper with POET on it has been taped to the door and looking somewhat sad for awhile now.

The lab equipment and people that use to be there went to Singapore. I think that Suresh and Tom Mika have space there that they use occassionaly.

It really isn't essential to Poet and serves no real purpose except to maintain an American address in this age of Trump.

over 7 years ago
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