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"Moratorium"- lifting the ban 2014?

Can someone provide any outlook on what the probabilities are for lifting the ban or revising the currrent status in Quebec.

- When could this potentially happen?

- And if not a complete lift of the ban - is there any other possible outcomes - "small scale fraccing" / certain parts of the area allowed for fraccing?

I read that the polls have shifted towards a more acceptance of fraccing but still near 50% who oppose it... Will the current political steering party revisit their current stand against fraccing or will a new party be need in parlement to shift the decisions in QEC's & Fraccings advantage?

Thanks for any feedback. (good to see QEC starting to live again!=)

almost 11 years ago
Anyone care to comment?? Fraccing decision / thoughts in the state of New York

I would really appreciate some thoughts by anyone on the other side of the Atlantic, that might enlighten on what is going on in NY....

You read about all these states around new york, utilizing and exploiting the marcellus shale, and then you have New York...

Anyone know what kind of guy Cuomo is???

Anyone know how much progress / impact the demonstrators are having????

As I said I would appreciate some comments about this. The outcome of lifting the moratium in NY or not will most definately send signals to Quebec as well!!

Reading som polls it will go either way

Anyone have any thoughts to share regarding this "major" decision???

Some imply that a study and the results have leaked and could impact the decision:

How much impact does the "anti-fraccers" have vs th pro-fraccers?

over 11 years ago
Re: Fraccing decision in NY 17-27 February

I kinda am interested in the general opinion and "feel" for this in North america etc.

There is another company with huge acres in Albany and will be HIGHLY affected by the decision: Norse Energy

over 11 years ago
Fraccing decision in NY 17-27 February

Reading som polls it will go either way

Anyone have any thoughts to share regarding this "major" decision???

Some imply that a study and the results have leaked and could impact the decision:

How much impact does the "anti-fraccers" have vs th pro-fraccers?

over 11 years ago
Montney well 1 vs well nr 2

First well:
PM 15.4.2012: Drilling Complete - start of frac simulation + testing
PM 30.4.2012: Fraccing complete - start of tests
PM 4.5.2012: Test results

Second well:
PM 9.10.2012: Drilling completed a week ago - start of frac simulation + testing
PM 24.10.2012 (!?): Fraccing complete - start of tests
PM 28.10.2012 (!?): Test Results

So at the lastest we should know results by 28.10?!

Or maybe sooner since they were under budget and 1 week ahead of schedule?!

almost 12 years ago
Montney second will test results

Last time, with the first well, QEC stated in a press release 30.4.2012 that "tests where completed on time, last week" and that the results are to be announced shortly.

That time the results where announced in a Press release 1.5.2012 (only 5 days later) and we had a nice little rally to the years all time high.

This time, with the second well, everything was completed on time, even ahead of schedule, and the well was similiar, and it was announced that tests results are going to be announced within 30 days.

To all of you on the forum, do you expect test results for well nr 2 within 1 week (like last time?)???????

almost 12 years ago
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