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Sean5110's Posts

Re: From SEC PII Filing


about 10 years ago
Re: Share Price

Yes. Reverse splits for penny stocks are primarily seen as acts of manipulation/desperation and the vast majority of them see price deterioration. Someone here, a few posts down, hit the nail on the head: the way to increase share value is to generate/increase revenue or show a clear path to get there. R/S is a numbers gimmic and, in the small cases where it works, the companies already had intrinsic strength (see citigroup, etc).

about 10 years ago
Re: Reality Check for some here

Watching this stock from US. Was very surprised to see a valuation report released as news. Per your message, this is not an acceptable practice in the US. I would imagine the key assumption in such a report that puts forth a valuation in the $billions, is "The science works...". Well, to my way of thinking, that's the $billion dollar assumption. Clearly, if that proves to not be the case, the company is worthless? And if the science does work, wouldn't such a game-changing tech be worth many many $billions? A report like this appears completely meaningless to me but I may be missing something?

about 10 years ago
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