SeaStreet's Profile

SeaStreet's Posts

Re: RE: Tyhee Update

I am also a "small guy" who purchased about 8 years ago. I too appreciate the reports and am hopeful that something happens soon to justify our faith and patience.

over 8 years ago
Sutter today

Sutter is up over 65% on 7x normal volume . . . wondering what that might mean for Tyhee?

over 8 years ago
New Tyhee theme song

"Wishing and Hoping" by Dusty Springfield

I am a Tyhee holder since 2008

over 8 years ago
Hanging in there . . .

Longtime holder since 2007 . . .heading to far northern Maine with fly rod this week in search of the wily native brook trout. No phone or internet for next five days -- only mosquitos and black flies. Hoping for good news when I return!!

over 9 years ago
Re: Forum Head Count

Sea Street . . .long since 2007 . . . and on Agoracom since about then.

I will click the "recommend" on the other post to get ocunted

over 9 years ago
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