Scruffy's Profile

Retired early. Ex Aerospace SW/Sys engineer. My name is on a brass plaque on a satellite orbiting about 476 miles up. Now I play golf, go fishing, play chess, and ride my motorcycle. Been a gold/silver bug since 1975. Still believe in the precious metals even if the filth crush them every day in the new jerk markets. Still have the first Krugerrand I even bought.

Scruffy's Posts


ECU is the ONLY stock in my portfolio that is red.

Will naked shorters and flash traders EVER be put in jail?

about 13 years ago
Re: Fascinating Modern-Day Correlation to 650-year Silver chart

Great chart and the timing couldn't be better.

about 13 years ago
Great new Jim willie article

Gold and Silver have emerged in the last 12 months as the dominant asset group. They led the entire 2000 decade, still gathering disrespect. They do not require respect from the Wall Street and London crowd. They serve as effective protection during the slow motion crumbling process to the global monetary system. The sovereign bond crisis has circled the peripheral nations, rendered its wreckage, and is working toward the center where the USTBond and UKGilt reside (worried). Italy and Spain are squarely in the crosshairs for financial assaults, but France and the United States lie closer to the core of Western nation sacred debt territory, soon to become sacred burial grounds. That must sound drastic and melodramatic, but just wait. Other calls of an insolvent US banking system, calls of a chronic housing bear market also once sounded extreme. They came true. So did $1000 gold and Canadian Dollar parity calls made in 2005. Again they came true. Dismissal of Green Shoots, Jobless Recovery, Exit Strategy, and No QE sounded bombastic and pedagogical, but they were also correct calls. In fact, very easy calls. The ruin of the USTreasury Bond debt security is a long drawn out process like a cancer victim. Weakness is followed by emaciation, then organ damage, circulatory problems, finally a bedridden state, and lastly the inevitable death. Analogies to each can be made with USTBonds nowadays, like the foreign central banks withdrawing from the process evident in low Indirect Bids, like dependence upon debt monetization.


The banker index is finally under stress. They have benefited greatly from the fantasy of phony accounting practices. They have also benefited from a staged controlled USTreasury Carry Trade. But their losses continue to mount in great volume. Their exposure to Europe sovereign debt, the US housing market, and mortgage bond investor lawsuits combine to make renewed risk. These insolvent zombies are due for a death experience, if only the markets were fair.


Mining stocks are not keeping pace with the bullion metal. The ultimate problem is paper securities and the trust held in them. Persistent stories about well supplied hedge funds shorting mining stocks, stories of naked shorting of small mining stocks (see Alpha Group), and other sponsored spread trades to support bullion metal over the mining stocks have all contributed to the decline in shares. The distrust in all things paper, as in financial securities, at a time when trust in sovereign debt is on the wane, when financial sector insolvency is argued, when bond fraud has gone unprosecuted, has created a hostile climate for investments. The shortage of credit and capital to anything except USTreasury debt has exacerbated the condition. The HUI index of mining stocks has not done well versus the basic precious metal, the gold bullion, since the spring months. The threat of USEconomic recession will only make the situation worse, certain to lead to more whacks to the equity markets. Gold bullion has no counter-party risk, no paper dependence. Stay clear of the fraudulent custodians and their GLD & SLV fraud-strewn funds for lazy investors who do no research. They will be separated from their metal claims, handed cash in redemption, and sent away. One point of fraud proof is that GLD & SLV have a discount to the metal, while legitimate funds like the Sprott Trust and Central Exchange Fund include a premium price to the metal.

Full article" target="_blank">

about 13 years ago

If this move in silver doesn't move ECU, nothing will:

Silver up over $1.75, Gold above $1870

about 13 years ago
Silver market defined by supply - Jeff Clark

Jeff Clark: Andy, tell us about your industry contacts and how you get the information you're privy to.

Andy Schectman: We source our product from three of the largest six primary U.S. mint distributors. Having 20 years of experience with these sources, as well as the dealers in the secondary market, we're as tied into the industry as anyone.

Jeff: You made some interesting comments to me about supply and premiums. Tell us what you're hearing and seeing in the bullion market right now.

Andy: I feel as though I'm the boy who cries wolf, or that I've been beating the same drum for too long. But in reality, it has been my feeling since late 2007 that ultimately this market will be defined less by the price going parabolic - which I think ultimately will happen - and more by a lack of supply. You see occasional reports that state it's just a lack of refined silver or lack of silver in investable form. But as far as I'm concerned, there is a major supply deficit issue, and it's getting worse.

Take the U.S. Mint, for example. Right now, as we talk, you can barely get Silver Eagles. We're seeing delivery delays of three to four weeks, and premium hikes of a dollar or more in the last three weeks. Most of the suppliers in the country are reluctant to take large orders on Silver Eagles because they don't know (a) when they'll get them, and (b) what the premiums will be when they arrive.

I was talking to the head of Prudential Bache and asked him about Silver Eagles. He said, "You know, as soon as the allocations come in, they're sold out. We can't keep them in." This is coming from one of the largest distributors of U.S. Mint products in the country.

And this is all occurring in an environment that has only minimal participation by the masses. Few people in this country have ever even held a gold or silver coin. So, if it's this difficult to get bullion now, what's it going to be like when it becomes evident to the masses they need to buy? This is what keeps me up at night.

Jeff: Some analysts say it's a bottleneck issue, that the mints have enough stock but just need more time or more workers to fabricate the metal into the bars and coins customers want.

Andy: No, I don't believe that. What business do you know that if they had that much profit potential wouldn't increase production and hire more workers to meet demand? To me, the "inefficient model" argument is an excuse.

Look at what the U.S. Mint alone has done: they haven't made the Platinum Eagle since 2008. They make maybe one-tenth as many gold Buffalos as they do Gold Eagles. They've made hardly any fractional-ounce Gold Eagles. Heck, they can't even keep up with the demand for the products they do offer. Does that sound like a bottleneck to you? Or is it because there is far more demand than there is available supply? It's pretty clear to me it's the latter.

Jeff: What are you seeing in the secondary market? Are investors selling bullion?

Andy: There is no secondary market. Absolutely none. Nobody is selling back anything, at least not to us. Think about that: if this was a traditional investment and your portfolio went up 100% in the last year, like silver has, you'd think some investors would take some profits and ride the rest out - but nobody's selling anything.

This is why I think the lack of supply is the single biggest issue in this market. And in time, I think it will become much more obvious. [Ed. note: We're using the term "secondary market" in this instance to mean sellers of bullion and not the scrap market.]

There are only five major mints - U.S., Canada, South Africa, Austria, and Australia. Yes, there is a Chinese mint and a couple Swiss mints and some private refiners, but they amount to very little in the overall scheme of things. We're in a situation where the mints are limiting the selection and raising the premiums, and this is occurring at a time when most people own no bullion. As it becomes more apparent that people want bullion instead of paper dollars, I think you'll see premiums go parabolic and supply get even tighter.

Jeff: Are you getting a lot of new buyers to the bullion market?

Andy: More than ever. One of the interesting things we're seeing is a lot of younger people dipping a toe in the water, buying little bits of silver here and there. We're also seeing bigger orders, as well as more frequent phone calls from financial advisers asking us if we can help their clients. So yes, the base is broadening.

Jeff: That's very interesting. So are you seeing more demand for gold or silver right now?

Andy: 90% of the new business is in silver. And I think that's indicative of the state of the economy. People are trying to get into precious metals, but they think gold is too high. I think they're buying silver because they realize the fundamentals for owning gold also apply to silver. They think the profit potential is better in silver, too. This has actually made the supply for gold better than it is for silver right now, and a lot of that has to do with price.

Jeff: Why are premiums fluctuating so frequently?

Andy: Premiums are almost impossible to gauge right now. Because the availability of product is getting smaller and smaller and the demand is getting stronger and stronger, premiums are changing literally overnight. And it doesn't take many large investors around the country to force premiums higher.

The net of this is that it's really hard for us to be able to say what the premium for a specific product will be two weeks out.

Jeff: You mentioned increased interest from fund managers. Tell us the kind of comments you're hearing and why they're buying bullion.

Andy: I think it's coming from their clients. It's my impression that people are taking it upon themselves to study a little bit more - to be more accountable for their assets - and I think they're telling their financial advisors to buy gold. And in some cases it's because they don't want a paper derivative.

It's no secret that financial advisors don't like gold and silver. Once money goes to a bullion dealer, it's not coming back to a stock portfolio any time soon, so they discredit it. But now it's my impression they're being asked by their clients to buy it. So it's not necessarily because the financial advisor wants gold as much as it is the client requesting it.

Here's a good example. There's a firm here in Minneapolis that represents the Pillsbury fortune, and they asked me to talk to their partners about precious metals a few months ago. At the end of the conversation they said, "Okay, we're going to place an order for one of our clients." Upon hearing it was for one client, I thought it would be in the range of $50,000 to $100,000. Well, the order was for $5 million.

There are two astonishing things about this. First, that's twice as big as the largest order I've ever had. It was one order, for one client, who's brand new to the market. How many more potential buyers are out there like that? Second, they made it abundantly clear to me that it was out of pressure from one of their clients that they sought me out. So clients are increasingly demanding bullion, regardless of what their financial advisers say.

Jeff: Hearing about all this new buying might make some think we're near a top in the market. Could that be the case?

Andy: No, no [chuckles]. I think Richard Russell says it best: "Bull markets die of exhaustion and over-participation." Well, we're nowhere near that point when so few people in this country own gold and silver. Heck, I'm a bullion dealer, and most of my peers don't own any gold and silver! Yes, you're seeing more commercials, but there are just as many commercials to buy gold as there are to sell it. I think that's an indication this market is not exhausted.

Remember that in the year 2000 everyone and his brother had some NASDAQ shares. That's an example of an exhausted or over-participated market. We're nowhere near that.

Jeff: Where are the best premiums for silver?

Andy: The very best buy in silver right now is junk silver. And by the way, I think the term "junk" is unfair. It isn't junk any more. It used to be junk in the '90s when silver was three or four bucks an ounce and it was sold basically at melt value and carried no premium. So I'd call it "90% dimes and quarters." Anyway, junk silver has the lowest premium right now and, in my opinion, offers the best upside potential.

Next would be 10- and 100-ounce silver bars. And then one-ounce silver coins - but the Eagles are very expensive at the moment, if you can get them. The Austrian Philharmonic has the best value in a one-ounce silver coin right now, and they're available. But again, premiums for all silver coins are escalating.

Jeff: What about gold?

Andy: Gold is not as bad. In fact, I would say that gold availability is decent right now for one-ounce coins and bars. There isn't much available in fractionals. And Buffalos are still kind of hard to get. Other than that, the one-ounce coins with decent availability are Canadian Maple Leafs, Australian Kangaroos, and Krugerrands. And they all have decent premiums.

Jeff: So the take-away message is what?

Andy: First, I think you said it best with your recommendation to "accumulate." Not only will it smooth out the volatility in price and premiums you pay, it will also give you a bird in the hand. If I'm right about this market, and I really believe I am, it will be defined by lack of availability of refined product. To combat that, just accumulate month in and month out, and be thankful when you're able to get what you want.

Second, it's about the number of ounces you own. You want to get as many ounces as you can without being penny wise and pound foolish. Stick with the most recognized products - don't buy 1,000-ounce bars, for example, because they're illiquid. You want to maximize your liquidity, and you do that by buying the most common forms of bullion - one-ounce coins, bars, and rounds; 10- and 100-ounce products; and junk silver.

Last, keep in mind that premium and commission are two different animals. Commission is what the dealers make on top of the premium. Premium is what the industry bears. So if the U.S. Mint is selling Silver Eagles for $3 over spot to the distributors, that's before they're marked up to the public. So even though the "premium" is high, you're actually going to get most of that back when you sell. [Ed note: It's not uncommon for the buyer to recapture most of the premium when they sell, particularly during periods of high demand.]

So, buy gold and silver while it's available, even if you don't buy it from me, because if I'm right, getting it at all could soon be your biggest challenge.

Jeff: Thanks for your insights,

over 13 years ago
Silver comment from Midas

The largest silver ETF, the iShares Silver Trust (SLV), has attracted huge investor interest and has seen an astonishing increase in asset growth. The SLV, which held $263.5 million in silver at its inception in April 2006, closed today with total net assets of $13.7 billion. Furthermore, to get a beat on what SLV "tonnage" was in April 2008:

SLV Alleged Inventory:


* Silver price April 5, 2006 – 11.70 263.5 million / 11.70 = 2.25 million troy oz or 79 metric tonnes

* Silver price April 4, 2008 – 17.70 5,700 metric tonnes or 183.26 million troy oz.

* Silver price April 5, 2011 – 39.50 13.7 billon / 39.50 = 346.84 million troy oz or 10,788 metric tonnes

50,000 COMEX contracts @ 5,000 oz per contract = 250,000,000 troy oz

Another way of looking at the disparity between # of COMEX contracts in 2008 and NOW:

Could it be that "smart money" recognizes COMEX as a fraud but believe that SLV actually represents a viable investment in physical bullion? If so, would this not go a long way to explaining the ELEVATED price of silver on COMEX with reduced open interest? If this is the case – what we are witnessing might be more a case of an unprecedented "flight from the COMEX" in favor of what is perceived as a superior alternative.

If so, what happens to the price of REAL PHYSICAL when holders of SLV realize they’ve been duped?

Further to my earlier e-mail on SLV outstanding versus COMEX open interest: If the banks are moving the bulk of their suppression over to SLV – I believe that would appear on the Bank’s Balance sheet as "equity" as opposed to the much maligned off balance sheet "derivatives" category for official regulatory reporting.

I have noticed how SLV has recently begun trading at an even deeper discount to COMEX spot – IMO, this would be consistent with the banks moving "the tip of the spear" of their silver price suppression TO SLV from COMEX silver.

My comment: If that theory is correct, it could mean that the CRIMEX is still the price discovery mechanism and given decreasing volume, it would be easier to manipulate, cost less to manipulate and be much less a discovery mechanism than a leveraged tool for the cretins to do their dirty work.

over 13 years ago
Hot springs Village Ar
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