Sandydune's Profile

Sandydune's Posts

Re: Potential for Future Fracking Moratorium? - Australia, Northern Territory...

The remifications of a fracking moratorium in the Northern Territory would be a devastating blow to Falcon. The word of this discussion probably did cause the share price to move south. However, the best thing that could happen for us at a time when fracking is being used as a political chip to get votes in the August elections, is for Pangaea Resources to suspend 2016 operations. The job losses, both directly and indirectly, will cause a severe economic impact on an area that is counting on the success of the drilling and fracking programs of companies that have already been granted permits within the territory. I'm betting Origins is committed to the timetable this summer and commences the hydraulic Fracking as planned. Perhaps being the first to demonstrate commercially viable flows will be a favorable reward for us.

over 8 years ago
Granting of options

Seems like this news has caused some frustration on the message board across the pond. Personally I see this as the best news possible to start the new year, other than productive flows. To me this indicates our management team believes the timing to grant these options at this price in this large amount gives them the opportunity to benefit to the greatest extent the upside potential they believe to be just over the horizon. In the words from Wall Street "greed is good". Options have already been set aside to reward good management. If they are correct in their timing and the volume of the release, perhaps this is the best indication of what's in store for us in the coming year or two. I certainly hope, since I have been a part of this storm since the very beginning. If they hit a home run with this move, we get to run the bases with them. I'm glad to be the water boy!

over 8 years ago
Comparing the Exxon drill in Hungary

Does anyone know if the apparent good results of this first test well in any way compare to the poor results that occurred when Exxon drilled in Hungary a few years back? I recall that Exxon actually gave flow data from their drilling effort along with stating they had encountered a large amount of water and determined the well was not worth pursuing further. Wouldnt the drilling effort that was just completed by Origins on the first well give an indication of the well being a dud if they had found similar characteristics to the Mako? I think the objectives may have been different with this first well compared to Hungary but I'm thinking they would know had they encountered similar problems like Hungary. Certainly Phillip's comments indicate what they found is very positive. Just trying to figure out if we are over a significant hurdle that we were unable to clear in Hungary. Would like to hear from someone who understands the difference in the objectives between the 2 drilling campaigns.

about 9 years ago
Re: Re-Think

Bottom line, lack of proven resource. When drilling commences the share price will move some. If the results are good, then we begin to see price escalation in multiples. Remember the credibility was damaged in the marketplace over and over again for several years. The only way to restore credibility is with a proven resource. Phillip and the team have done a fantastic job keeping us alive and now potentially setting us up to become a serious player in the energy marketplace.

about 10 years ago
Price action

Nice to see the positive movement today considering the upcoming closing on Australia, which according to Phillip's recent interview should now be within the next week or so. Recently the price has been driven down when good news is about to be released. Perhaps a slow forward trend will continue and upgrades and price targets will come from more analysts.

about 10 years ago
Re: Dilution

Dilution is a necessary evil for a business to stay alive without a revenue generating asset. In the early days of FO we blew cash pursuing drilling on our own that obviously failed. We all feel there were bad leadership decisions, but some how they convinced the market to raise money to stay alive, although it was very costly. Considering the time FO has been in business without any proven test results, it's a miracle the company is still in the game. Current management has positioned us with adequate cash to go the distance with the Australia drilling program. It seems like 8 of our 9 lives have been used, so this time it needs to work. It doesn't really matter if there are 1 thousand shares outstanding or 1 billion, if the wells fail after testing, both senarios are worth $0. What we are attempting to achieve are wells considered worthy of putting into production following successful testing that create an asset valued between $800-$4000 per acre. When that happens, we will be happy and thankful that dilution over a number of painful years enabled us to stay in the game and reach the finish line.

over 10 years ago
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Welcome To The Falcon Oil and Gas HUB On AGORACOM A global energy company with projects in Hungary, Australia & South Africa