Sandman19's Profile

Sandman19's Posts

Re: The Plan

I agree demand appears there. At least PTK is clear on one point (lol too soon). Let's please see that translate into fungible assets for PTK as soon as possible!

almost 8 years ago
Re: The Plan

FJ - "Recall what Suresh said on the Investor Presentation call. For a moderate amount of money they can immediately ramp to a capacity of $100 million in revenue and expand that further as the demand is needed. That is pretty clearly stated on the conference call."

Unfortunately, given Suresh's recent track record of over promising and under delivering, the above remains a mood point until we actually see those figures in the financials. There is a big difference between having capacity of $100M in revenues vs. having $100M in revenues. Many of the company's I cover (yes I work in finance) have tons of capacity, but in some cases only function at ~20% of that capacity. That said, I truly wish we ramp up quickly!!!!

Hoping we get positive news sooner than later ladies and gents.


almost 8 years ago
What I Read and What I Expect

What I Read

What I read from yesterday's message is that on the PTK side there are delays that have been caused by long wait times in receipt of wafers. This was not disclosed to Shareholders prior. What upsets me is the fact that they likely knew this would delay things some time ago yet at the AGM we were talking weeks not months (someone please correct me if I am misspeaking). Short-term focus now shifts to DenseLight sales. Should not discount possibility for future PO; hoping this is done under much better terms IF needed. However, they now have ~16-17M in the bank + Singapore + possibly more should stock price recover and warrants exercise (so we are in good shape depending on cash burn).

What I Expect and Hope for

i) For communication to improve between PTK and shareholders

ii) That NO options be granted to management at current prices (if they want options today they should be issued with a strike price of AT LEAST 70+ cents) - exception NEW CFO at 0.64$

iii) That we see progress on the DenseLight sales front

iv) Possible good news from PTK Laser

v) VCSEL completion at the latest in Q1’17 (this along with sales from DenseLight will prove the inflection point)

almost 8 years ago
Re: What we don't know

That's the point Kath.....we don't know anything.

My biggest concern (and I actually wrote about this a while back) is that management is only here to line their pockets. The more they can delay a successful outcome (if the case), the better, and they can simply acquire more shares via options.

This offering, no matter the reason, could have been executed at a MUCH higher price. Announcing to the world you are looking to dilute shareholders through an offering, and not indicating at what price, is a recipe for what just happened. We basically got double screwed by way of price set at 0.36$ and warrants at 0.52$. Any educated person (especially management) should have known this (or something similar to this) was going to happen. This is what concerns me: either management is greedy or incompetent; neither is good.

Worst of all, I find it hard not to deem them dishonest. We were told a very short time ago that no short term capital needs were on the horizon....and now this. Why aren't they saying anything? What is their rationale for doing this......because I truly DON'T see the logic.

If this ends up as a take private management will have MUCH to answer to. I'm sorry but just don't see the silver lining here. So many errors on their part, or worse calculated deception.


almost 8 years ago
What the Agents get....

From Edgar:

"The Corporation has agreed to pay the Agents a commission of seven percent (7.0%) of the aggregate gross Offering proceeds on gross Offering proceeds up to and including $10,000,000, and four percent (4.0%) on incremental gross Offering proceeds in excess of $10,000,000. In addition, the Corporation has agreed to pay to the Representative a fee of 7% of the first $10,000,000 of gross proceeds to the Corporation from any exercise of any Warrants issued in the Offering and a fee of 4% of any gross proceeds to the Corporation from the exercise of Warrants in excess of $10,000,000. In addition, the Corporation has granted the Representative a right of first refusal to act as lead underwriter or lead placement agent in any public offering or private placement of equity or debt securities by the Corporation or any subsidiary during the term of the engagement of the Representative.

The Corporation has agreed, pursuant to the Agency Agreement, to indemnify the Agents and their respective affiliates and their respective directors, officers, employees shareholders and agents and each other person, if any, controlling any of the Agents or their affiliates and against certain liabilities, including liabilities under Canadian and U.S. securities legislation in certain circumstances or to contribute to payments the Agents may have to make because of such liabilities."

.....please take 7% off the capital raise as well.

almost 8 years ago
0.54 close

Even if you wanted to buy more at this point why would you, knowing that closing of the capital raise is slated for "end-November". What did management think would happen?

Further comical is the new CFO echoing the same sentiment of wanting to create "shareholder value". We haven't seen that for years (if ever). Besides, didn't the prior company he worked for go from ~40$ to 0.16$?

This is an education in clown management.


almost 8 years ago
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