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Re: Lee Pierhal

yes Quan, i wrote about that issue because it was really new for me. nobody answered but at least some poeple remember. seems to make sense to write here, sometimes. i dare to say that po has nothing in common with that possible fine.

good luck on monday 28th. let s hope the best.

almost 8 years ago
Re: problems with wafer supply chain

and isn t it epiworks wich is purchased by II-VI? my mistake with wavetek doesn t change my story! sry

almost 8 years ago
problems with wafer supply chain

this friday was a massacre. i read all the posts here, i read the sedar, i made my thoughts and increased my position by 17%. buy when the bombs are fallin. i guess that one was a nuke. i admit this po is a hit in the face, especially after beeing that encouraged about made predictions. i buy more and am going to make more money available. (never that much i invested, though) because that 0,36 is ridicolous.

New information out of sedar for me is that they might have to pay a fine of 990000$ because of the investigation of SBIR granted money, umm, ok, nothing to mind about imho.

the reason i write here is that something boggles my mind: we had a delay because of the anadigics takeover by II-VI. they (management) said there are "economical uncertainties" wich lead to this decision.

II-VI also purchased wavetek, the company we get our wafers from, right? now management says they have to rearrange their wafer supply chain because of export issues? they don t say that there is someone who does not want them to join the marketplace with their vcsel... .

i appreciate a step towards an own wafer supply. it might take longer to evolve, but there are a lot of sharks around the blue ocean we hopefully get to someday.

as far as the 0,36 appears to be way to low i considered the price of the warrants exercised recently. i guess they were in a range between 0,23-0,46 so 0,36 is between that range and could probably be forced by "institutions".

is there a probability that the po-price is increasing if the demand is high enough?

do you think II-VI is a "friend" or possibly a foe? and could they withhold us from taking a share of the vcsel market they are heavily (and increasingly) involved?

let`s lick our wounds, let s see what the management !has! to say.

hope you can enjoy you re weekend,


almost 8 years ago
Re: remember now ........ "Shareholder Value", just give it time

Displacement activities may also occur when animals or humans are prevented from performing a single behaviour for which they are highly motivated.

about 8 years ago
Re: remember now ........ "Shareholder Value", just give it time

good point fj. and look what he grabs from the table while ringing for words and shows to the audience without using it. somekind of displacement activity? ;)

about 8 years ago
AU holdings

anx.to i guess this one is very undervalued as a producer in this sector with 16k ounces aiming 30k-100k.

about 8 years ago
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