Ruthless25's Profile

Ruthless25's Posts

Re: crappy NR.... Dia Bras terminates takeover.... what else can go wrong????

PLE will be delisted in no time now. No money, no buyers, Hans gone, no accord. Nothing. Just a ridiculous CEO.

over 12 years ago
Re: So where is they at?

Every day this continues to be halted, the more I worry. Thankfully, I only picked up a few shares before the deal was made.

I will be surprised if PLE ever trades again.

As for us being delisted, there would have been a big NR about it if it was.

Sadly, I don't think that NR is too far off.

Guy Bedard: you are a greedy and incompetent man. You are a freeloader. Your reputation in the investment community has been long tarnished... but I guess that's okay for you because you duped shareholders for many years and made too much money of our backs- enough to fill your bloated pockets. Eat crow. Sadly, the joke is on me and every other past and present shareholder. You've been laughing all the way to the bank for years.

over 12 years ago
Re: New documents on SEDAR

Thanks Guy!

Don't still suck.


over 12 years ago
Re: arrrrrr!!!!!!!

Honestly, I'm not sure why anyone here is surprised about this cease trade order or the timing of the required continuous disclosure documents.

We know the man does not fulfill any promises or deadlines.

We know the man has no regard for shareholders.

We know the man can't get the job done.

To be quite honest, I will be surprised if PLE ever trades again.

Wake up and taste the poop everyone.

There's more than a 50% chance you will lose your investment here in this ridiculous stock.

over 12 years ago
Re: IIROC trading halt...

Yikes. This worries me, I will not lie.

over 12 years ago
Re: 6c only???

The kicker is that given the price of DIB, it's not even currently at .06.

The market sure isn't convinced of .06.

What a joke. In my opinion.

You suck Bedard, AKA "PLENRI."

We know it's you. Wouldn't be the first lie you told a shareholder. "I never read the boards" Wah, wah, wah.

over 12 years ago
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