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Russ Reid's Posts

total mess-up

I can't believe anything so stupid could happen. That being said where should the blame lie? Carmax? I understand that Desert Fox is an investor and so it's really Carmax's fault but Desert Fox should be exerting some influence to make certain that day to day operations are continuing shouldn't they or am I out to lunch? Are they so busy in the Copper Fox office that no one has time to keep an eye on Carmax?

Finally I wonder if Ernesto even knows what has transpired and if he does know is he happy? Perhaps that is why there is no halt. A halt would get Ernesto's attention but with no halt the CEO has time to plan how to spin this.

Much like Golf and some others I am rather annoyed by this. After all they are in the mining business so you would think someone would know the rules. Really how tough is it to put a post-it on a bulletin board saying "renew on April 12". It's not really rocket science.

over 8 years ago
Enough Already

Starting about 4:00 Pm today 4 or 5 posters began to attack one poster here. This is called bullying. In schools across this country teachers are doing their best to eliminate bullying. For some reason several posters here think that this is appropriate behavior.

If I don't like what someone is saying I simply ignore that poster. Several here don't like what a poster here has been saying although I don't see that that poster has been out of line. Going back and pointing out inconsistancies in a poster's comments is childish and uncalled for. I fail to see how this poster's comments harm others.

Just venturing a guess but I suspect some here are moving over from the other site and trying to settle scores here. Leave it over there as I don't think many here are interested in SH squabbles.

Nobody here knows (nor should they care) if poster A purchased at $.11 and sold at $.15 or whatever so take it somewhere else.

Sorry guys but I for one don't want to hear it so take your bullying and walk out the door.

Gusto 44

over 8 years ago
Re: Bids are building

I for one would hate to see Hoghead depart. It has been my observation over the years that he has made some very valid points and has made a contribution to the board. I feel that all our posters contribute.

That being said I'm surprised to hear that Simc1 is only 33. I thought you had indicated once that you were near retirement. Guess I was wrong. I'm much older and have less time to wait but wait I do.

Finally I for one have never seen a consolidation that worked. From my experience if you reduce by a factor of 10 leaving us around 42 million shares the price will temporarilly be at $1.20 and will quickly fall. Probably not down to it's present price but likely down to $.75 or thereabouts. So I'm opposed to a consolidation. Won't matter anyways as the final decision would be made by Ernesto regardless of what everyone else wants.

over 8 years ago
Re: Question for the board

I find myself agreeing with Remedy. Elmer should explain what he was very pleased about in the news release. It is quite obvious that many here are not pleased. Therefore why can't he express why he is pleased. Then we can all be pleased perhaps. I for one am far in the hole. I've been in cuu for 7-8 years but only bought a few when it was cheap and a lot when it was going up. I'll wait another 3-5 years if I have to though I'd rather not. I'm at an age where my wife is telling me not to buy green bananas.

I'm not a phoner but maybe someone should call Elmer and suggest to him there are shareholders here who would like him to express what pleases him in these latest developments.

over 8 years ago
Re: Teck

As I said I was just speculating and trying to come up with a plausible explanation however implausible. We sit for a year or so and don't move at all and then suddenly jump 100%. Makes me think something is up. But then I've been wrong before.


over 8 years ago

Is it a stretch to attribute Tech's increase in price to this info about the waste? Just speculating.


over 8 years ago
Russ Reid
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