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Rundle's Posts

A walk into the past...

Hi has been a very long time since I have visited this page and I must admit I am not up to speed on what is going on, but what has happened to the gold deposit. It is such a shame that all that gold still sits in the ground and what a deposit it is. From my view from many years back I never would have thought it would have come to where it sits today. Such a shame. I hope that all who have deminstrated such staying power get something for their efforts.

I have zero interest in KRY and sold years ago for a loss and just had to move on with life; my choice. I see that many of the old guard are still intact...Kent (the original hub leader) and no_bear. Again such a shame that this country is so difficult to deal with.

All the best


over 11 years ago
Re: MacDonald Mines Announces Proposed Consolidation and

It is very difficult if not impossible to get financing on a .03 cent stock. I think we can write the plan going know what is much cash to they have? Is it enough to operate? Probably not for long...just my thoughts...

over 11 years ago
Gypsy Swap

Big volume today on creative financing announcement....I don't think this sounds all that positive when you look at the definition of what a gypsy swap is.

While gypsy swaps appear to be a roundabout way of creating capital, the act typically results in the company having to sweeten the pot for both new and existing shareholders in order to accept the terms of the deal. In most cases, gypsy swaps are last-ditch efforts to avoid cash constraints or bank covenants by engaging in some "creative" capital raising.

Read more:

about 12 years ago
CUU recently picked up as a position buy....

Company was recently positioned on stockscores as a buy...Stockscores looks for abnormal activity in volume for selection criteria.

From: Tradescores Alerts []
Sent: August-10-12 11:57 AM
Subject: Tradescores Alert - V.CUU - Position BUY



Fill Time:

08/10/2012 - 1:56 PM

Fill Price:


Stop Loss Price:


Stop Loss Type:

Hard Stop

Risk per share:


Trade Notes:
V.CUU breaking out from a bottom fishing chart pattern set up today, should move higher as the Canadian markets recover. Position trade with support at $1.19.

click to view the stock report for V.CUU

about 12 years ago
INT wins order to identify on-line detractors...

Intertainment wins order to identify on-line detractors
Ticker Symbol: C:INT
Intertainment wins order to identify on-line detractors
Intertainment Media Inc (C:INT)
Shares Issued 324,241,509
Last Close 4/27/2012
Monday April 30 2012 - Street Wire
by Mike Caswell
Intertainment Media Inc. has won court orders directing Stockhouse Publishing Ltd. to reveal the identities of four forum posters, including one who called the company a "pure scam." The orders, handed down after an application hearing on Wednesday, April 25, instruct Stockhouse to provide names, IP addresses and any other information that will help identify forum users "Nub92," "MaydayMalone," "f3drivr" and "CESpumper." Stockhouse did not oppose the application.
The orders come just weeks after Intertainment filed two defamation suits against the users in the Supreme Court of British Columbia over negative comments in the Stockhouse forums. The company complained that the users posted information that was untrue and that they seriously injured its reputation. One of the posts the company cited, written by MaydayMalone on Oct. 10, 2011, read, "this stock is a scam run by criminals for criminals at the expense of shareholders accept [sic] it." Intertainment complained that readers would have understood the post to mean that the company is managed by criminals who are fraudulently causing losses to shareholders.
Intertainment filed applications to identify the users on Wednesday, April 25, and a chambers judge granted the orders the same day. The company contended it had no practical way to identify the posters without records from Stockhouse.
Intertainment's lawsuitsThe allegations against the posters are contained in two notices of claim that Stockhouse filed at the Vancouver courthouse. The first, dated March 13, 2012, complained about posts by MaydayMalone, f3drivr and CESpumper.
One of f3drivr's posts appeared on Oct. 20, 2011, and accused Intertainment's chief financial officer, David Lucatch, of manipulating the stock, the suit states. It read: "What I am trying to say is that in my humble opinion it appears that David is working with the shorts. Doesn't anybody find it suspicious that in April there was a huge pump with Gene Simmons appearing in newspapers and all over the internet ... and the SP was manipulated up to $3.35 and shorted by somebody who clearly knew that they were free to do so with no fear of getting burned because they knew that there would not be a material change for several months."
The suit also complained of another post that same day by CESpumper. It read: "no one uses [Intertainment products] KNCTR, ITIBIT or ortsbo, it's a pure scam. fabricated website traffic to justify a method to suck money from dumb investors to buy some software and thus is the exit of insiders without selling any INT shares." Readers would have understood the post to mean that nobody used the company's products and that management had falsely inflated website traffic, the notice of claim stated.
The second suit, filed on March 27, 2012, complained of a post by Nub92. Intertainment cited a March 13, 2012, message he wrote in broken English which stated: "Ortsobo owns no patents... Ortsobo built of google translater... Ortsobo use investor as atm... Ortsobo use classic celebrity pumpin... Ortsobo BLANTANTLY manipulate user numbers with 3rd party... Ortsobo ponzi BUT ITS VANCOUVER SO ILL JUST HAVE FUN SHORTING THIS INTO OBLIVION HA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH." Users would have understood the post to mean that Intertainment had defrauded investors and had falsified user numbers for Ortsbo, the company claimed.
Intertainment said in both suits that many readers had viewed the posts. The company's forum was typically the most active on Stockhouse. In the seven days prior to the Nub92 post there were 2,358 messages with 483,627 "reads."
Both notices of claim sought damages, a permanent injunction barring future posts, interest and court costs. Vancouver lawyer J. Brent MacLean of Davis LLP filed both suits (although the company was represented in Wednesday's application hearing by Davis LLP lawyer Jeffrey Horswill).

over 12 years ago
Re: Rusoro Reports 2011 Financial Results and Provides Update on the Nationalization

Why anyone would want to risk doing business in VZ amazes me; particulary given my own history with KRY now a pink cryfq. The business climate has so changed that it should not matter that there is so much gold to be had that those who have tried have all been burned. RML was sure that their future would be different and they would not be subject to the so called nationalization of assets only to be treated like all others who have attempted to secure VZ's gold. I think Grz has handled this best abiet having the luxury of 20/20 hindsight; their SP is clearly providing guidance suggesting a decision in their favor although with VZ one never really knows for sure. The only way I see things changing in VZ would require a change in political climate meaning that Chavez needs to go and even then it will take time for sentiment to change.

over 12 years ago
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