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Rubicon29's Posts

Still halted?

Does anyone know why we are still halted and perhaps when we will trade again?

about 13 years ago
Re: back to trading!

Hi Carry

What information do you have about this? I can find nothing indicating we will be back to trading before the 20th.


about 13 years ago
Re: Cant find any press release....

For anyone looking to see copy of the release:

Halted until July 20th

Also, extremely quick response from the company this morning via email on the matter when I asked why this happened.

I am disappointed but understand what happened and am not going to over react.

I have a feeling assays won't disappoint.

Either way, its going to be a great summer! :)


about 13 years ago
Re: Declining SP

Lots of interest as people sell cheaper. At 12.5 how can you not want to buy more. Over 600K in the ask at that price near the end of the day. Today was pretty red all around...I am not surprised by the drop in sp. Momentum is sure to build as drill results get closer. I really like this play over the next few months and I don't think Im the only one. We had a nice little pop in buying after yesterdays NR. Lots of people watching this one.

over 13 years ago
Drumming up some interest?

Hey everyone.

Other than the smartstox interview has there been any recent activities or are any planned from spark some interest in our spring drilling program? We are holding onto our sp pretty good but I'd love to see some more shares traded with some new investors becoming interested.


over 13 years ago

It is nice to have buyers obsorbing the PP shares this week. I was expecting more pressure on our sp but its holding its own pretty well.

Drill baby drill!

over 13 years ago
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