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Royal Blue's Posts

Re: 43-101

Well argued darklord. You present a good case and some interesting points. Thanks for sharing. Will definitely weigh your views against the results of the 43-101. Over promising and underdelivering seems to have been a trend...we'll see if the upcoming news release confirms or breaks this trend.

about 14 years ago
Re: re: 43-101

Hey h_rattle,

My understanding from what he said, is that it wasn't a case of "hey let's do this before the 43-101". Rather, it was the opposite. They wanted to do it after the 43-101 but did not anticipate this long delay. For whatever reason, they decided that they had to get on with it.

If you want further information from the person I talked to, I wrote his phone number in my last reply to raffles.


about 14 years ago
Re: re: 43-101


Honestly, I can't remember the name of the VP I spoke with. I called the company's main number and asked for investor's relations. I was given this number to call -- 514-262-8286 and the guy who called me back said he was a VP but I didn't pay close attention to his name. I think it was Andre Tremblay, but don't quote me on that. Whoever answers the phone is the person I talked to.

He was very friendly. I didn't get the sense he was trying to pull the wool over my eyes. For now, I'll take him at his word that the delay is just a normal delay. The truth will reveal itself soon enough.

Perhaps someone else can call with some follow up questions. I just started following this company so some of you are certainly more informed than I am.

I don't discount that you may be right. But as someone who is still on the sidelines with MTO, whatever theory is true, I'll still going to wait to see the 43-101 results before making a long-term committment. I may not get rock bottom price, but in the long run (2-5 years) it won't make that much of a difference.

For those of you already in, be patient. Regardless of the 43-101 mystery, you still have a pretty good long-term investment.

about 14 years ago
Re: re: 43-101

Thanks for your thoughtful post raffles.

I'm not a shareholder but am seriously considering committing to this story. I called the company just before the long weekend and talked to the VP. I asked if there was any connection between the recent private placement and the delayed 43-101.

He said this:

1. No connection between the two. These are two seperate events. The private placement was already planned, they had the opportunity to do it, so they got on with it.

2. They have no control over the 43-101. It's in the consultant's hands and they are waiting just like everyone else.

I'll probably wait to invest until the resource update anyway, but probably people are reading too much into this delay.

about 14 years ago
Re: Update on Exploration and Project Developments at Rosario

I really like the Silvermex story, and I have a signficant invesment in the company, but is anyone else a little peeved that they keep sneaking in 5-year options and rock bottom prices? This release reveals 1.5 million options at .32 cents! In May it was 2.6 stock options at .41 cents? I mean if options are supposed to be an incentive to grow the company, why not grant them at 60 cents, or somewhere above the all-time high SP?

In five years, the SP could be in the teens. I don't know, personally, I feel a little disrespected as a shareholder whose invested hard-earned money while they are granting free options at below what I paid at 5 YEARS OUT.

What are your thoughts Luker? If I'm missing something, please let me know...

over 14 years ago
This market is nuts!!!

Gold is at holding at $1200. Equities around the world are rallying. Timmins Gold just announced they increased their resource by 25 percent. Result? TMM is down to 1.20/share when just last week it was over 1.40.

Good lord. These algorithm traders are truly brainless.

From a technical standpoint, there should be strong support here at 1.20. Below that there is very, very strong support at 1.10.

over 14 years ago
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