Rounding_Third's Profile

Rounding_Third's Posts

Maybe I am in left field, usually behind

the plate and able to see the whole field. I smell rum I mean a run'n coming....with all the bells and whistles of a World Series. I am staying in my seat for the final out.....but, IMHO....the bullpen is brewing with closers....and the series is heading for a seventh and decisive outcome.

I see 3 plus runs, as crazy as it might seem at the moment.......but hell, who would have thought NFLX would have ever reached $250.00 ??

"Rounding third and heading for Home"

over 13 years ago
Re: interact=26.5 million

Well, at least we are being bombarded by so called longs drivel the past few weeks....

...May be we might get something sweet by June 1st.

or could be the typical nonsense and still be in the dark....My belief is the 3T's will be escorted out of the courtroom kicking and screaming in the not too distant future.

over 13 years ago

All is Quiet on the Western Front...

Eastern, Northern & Southern.....

I am heading to the batting cage to relax and be at peace for awhile. A sunny warm day here in Chicago. I look forward to next weekend, have tickets for the Cubs-Reds series...too cool. !!

PATRIOT: I need a RAISE !! Share price appreciation would be.... all so nice.

over 13 years ago
Re: Well if this company actually starts

touche' mi amigo.........

over 13 years ago
Well if this company actually starts

making money this year..........Hopefully we will run past a buck fifty and stay in that range or more.

The levy is fixing to break soon....where it breaks is the question.....

We wait as usual with dead money sitting on cow patties that might be golden..."Might be"

over 13 years ago
I am still puzzled concerning

the spike last month in volume which took place or started at least in and around 10:00 am Pacific time. I believe it was on a Friday.

I think the stock almost touched .14

close your eyes and pick a card kinda compay....I guess that's penny land for ya' though.

Any thoughts ?

over 13 years ago
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