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Rocco90's Posts

Re: Fifth liquids-rich Montney well tests at over 1,400 boe/d

Hello gents! Been a loooooong time since I've been on the boards! Life has been good but extremely busy, as I'm sure many of you can relate.

I'm loving the focus on oil and the my eyes Quebec is just whatever at the moment...if a green light is given great, if not no big deal.

What's key for the stock price now is that we're actually seeing incredible results over and over and actually taking it to market, meaning real revenue, so I expect us to stay at these levels and continue forward so long as the company continues drilling here.

2014 is also a big year for the play with Red Leaf and Total possibly starting commercialization. A ton of triggers but in the meantime good on the company for their focus. Their reserves go up each time with a new well this area and I'm pumped about the future.

Hope you are all well!


almost 11 years ago
Re: Re Great day for Qec

Just wanted to say hi to everyone. Definitely been a long time since I've wrote anything.

I'm still in the same boat, just waiting this baby out until we get some significant share price appreciation. As I mentioned a long time ago, the company did the right thing by moving into the Montney and putting Quebec on the back burner. The results have been unreal thus far and I'd imagine they'll continue.

I'm also curious about that project in the US with the shal oil. I know that next year is the year they said we would have first commercial results. Overall the company has a lot going for it, we just need that extra push.

IMO the sp should be a bit higher for what they own etc but this sp has always traded a bit differently over the years. Nonetheless, great things by the company and I'm hoping that we get a good year under our belts! :)

All the best to everyone. I'm hoping to hit up the boards a bit more these days.


over 11 years ago
From today...

This was on the website, but surprised I didn't get it in the distribution email. It was released today.

Montney looks like a region they're going to be going hard in, which is what was discussed and hoped for from us. Hoping they continue to see results. That 100% operated well should be super interesting.

Rocco :)

almost 12 years ago
Re: QEC needs a new partner

I don't think that's neccessary the just means they aren't spending money in Quebec, which is pretty obvious for the past two years and won't be in the next with the study. Frankly with the PQ here, nobody gives about Quebec. I've certainly moved on from that particular land we have.

Talisman is in serious trouble. Look at their sp over the past two years..its' just been a decline, especially even when oil prices were strong. They just put up almost a billion dollar loss. The stock went down another 5% today.

They're not abandoning the land...though it doesn't look that way. I frankly didn't expect a dollar spent in Quebec until mid 2014 if not a bit later anway, which is two years away. They may be in a financial mess, but they're not dumb enough to give up the partnership, because even though Quebec politics is a disaster, another major will just come, sign papers and sit on the land until it goes forward and when gas prices move up.

I like the move though. This basically gives the Quebec government the middle finger. This PQ government is disaster and I'm hoping they don't last the year and waste everyones time.

QEC needs to focus on those other plays, especially the Montney where lots of acquisitions are happening. Someone on the other forum said that they are drilling a well their with 100% ownership, but I haven't heard back from the company yet to confirm. That's a smart play, focus on gas and liquids. That is where the money is.

Our sp didn't even react to the news this morning anyway. Everyone has written off Quebec from the value until it is given the green light...whenever that is. I'm not worrying my head about it, haven't been for a while. Mr Binnion is doing the right things and focusing elsewhere to create value.

Hope you are all well! :)

almost 12 years ago
Re: New Montney well ...


Are you following Contact Exploration? I know they are the operator...I believe they are anyway...because I don't recall QEC giving this news!

I hope they pick up a lot of land there. I've been following Donnycreek Energy and there stock is hovering around the $2 mark and there SP was quite low for a long time until their Montney drilling results.

I'd like QEC to get more land but be the 100% operator so they can hold on to more of the profits. That Montney area is a gem that imo, is going to explode as the liquids make it very favorable.

The results of the next well should be solid as well. Will give a good indication of what the play has to offer the more we get results in.

Thanks for contributing and giving us updates!


almost 12 years ago
Re: Montney update estimate??

BCQEC...been a long time! Hope you are doing well :)

You too Domus! Haven't seen you on here in a while but I'm guessing you're taking care of the Norwegian forums!

Thanks for telling me the partners. Funny because I was following Donnycreeks stock by pure luck and they went from a 0.4 stock to about $2 recently...of course pulling back a little. This area is definetely one to focus on and I'm hoping they keep doing just that. The liquids make this very valuable.

Will be interesting on what the next results bring. I'd be pleased with even half of what the first well brought.

almost 12 years ago
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