RevElvis's Profile

RevElvis's Posts

Re: Good Friday and Easter

I fully share your tremendous frustration Mrscrammer and Ed. I agree something drastically needs to be done to right this ship. The silence to date of authorities is deafening. Sculpin's latest missile is dead on the target! The absence of disclosure of critical legally required information about drilling results, should have set off alarm bells for authorities with the stock price in free fall. There are of course many other anomalies that are pretty obvious. Let me clarify my meaning in my earlier post when I spoke of praying for the highest good of all involved in the spirit of Easter. I believe the "highest good" of management and directors must be to fully accept their responsibility (the truth will set you free) and even if they decide or are forced to leave the ship, they cannot skirt or neglect the solemn responsibility they have held for all on board this ship. I just hope we don't wander off course or capsize due to a deck brawl ruled by vengeance. Lol. We all need our wits about us to complete this voyage. Keep up the good work all of you fellow shareholders. You're the best damm crew I've ever sailed with. A good friend once advised me with this saying of a an old sailor "no wind blows in favour of a ship without a destination." RevElvis

over 10 years ago
Re: Good Friday and Easter

My prayer is that the resurrection power of Easter will bless Saint Elias Mines, shareholders, management and directors for their highest good.


over 10 years ago
Re: preposterous

"Preposterous"!!!...the exact right word for the title and sign off of your post. I would think that certain individuals on the securities commission would be in jeopardy of their jobs if they would let this go through, as it would be a terrible blow to the integrity of the commission and the market, IMO.


almost 12 years ago
Re: As much as I appreciate your eternal optimism....


I know the shenanigans can be tiresome at times. So I try to look at it from a little different perspective. The 007 stuff of such aliases, if it's true, is what tells us that we're in the money! As I've said before on this site, dogs don't bark at parked cars. At some point everyone has to put their cards on the table or stop playing.



over 12 years ago
Re: Watch for Halt


Murry said that he believed that the amended Havilah deal should be to the Securities Commission this week.

over 12 years ago
Re: River Cree

Thanks to the organizers and all who came to make it happen!

This St. Elias is an exciting play! I guess the B&B was a little like a Coaches Corner and Murry did an outstanding job. Here are a few more tidbits that I got from Murry's talk... 10,000 metres split in the lab...when released Lori will come to Alberta...27 to 30 holes drilled...average 400 to 500 metres...all holes drilled are capped to allow re-entry... assume when results come it will blow the door off real quick... Murray apologized that some mistakes were made but added that while the company's approach has been unorthodox, he believes everyone will be pleased when results are released.... Murray also said that we are not going to be miners, rather put lipstick on these properties and sell to the big boys.

It was great to meet so many of you great people. The River Cree was a demonstration of the strength of the shareholders. Yes, I was in the building! And there's nothing like a good fight to get you into the game...but I might have missed something ...was that Mrs. Crammer streaking across the ice during the big brawl?


over 12 years ago
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