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Teck share price

CUU isn't the only one with a low SP, Teck B shares are only 2 and a half bucks away from their 52 week low and taking a beating today. Remember Teck shares when the BFS was announced? Over 10 bucks from where it is now! If Elmer and EE can get the deal done relatively quickly bodes well for us longs if we were to receive Teck shares as partial compensation moving forward.

In to the end.... trying to stay positive! Come on Elmer, get this done!

over 11 years ago
Teck's mindset in acquiring an asset

I took the liberty of reading over the transcript of Teck's offer for Fording Coal July 29, 2008 to try and draw on Teck's and in particular DL's mindset in acquiring an asset. I found the following interaction between Mr Barnes and DL particularily enlightening, tell me if this is a guy that likes other parties in his kitchen. You would think this sort of mindset favours a 100% buyout over the other 3 back in options. There are a lot of other items in the transcript that I believe are tells on how Teck approaches an acquistion and asset. I can't copy the link but one can get it off the Teck website.

Greg Barnes

TD Newcrest - Analyst

Is that going to a strategic buyer or is it going straight into the markets and that's it?

Don Lindsay

- Teck Cominco - Presidentand CEO

Well, we will be doing this at a point when the transaction has been approved by Fording unitholders, so it is hard to see the

role for a strategic buyer at that point. We will sell them in the market.

Greg Barnes

- TD Newcrest - Analyst

Other than that a strategic buyer could come in and help you fund the transaction and be a partner with you? Is that a possibility?

Don Lindsay

- Teck Cominco - Presidentand CEO


Greg Barnes

- TD Newcrest - Analyst


Don Lindsay

- Teck Cominco - Presidentand CEO

It depends on how you are using the term strategic. It isn't contemplated that an industry player will be involved in this transaction

between now and closing. We do believe that large financial institutions will be keen to participate in the recirculation and buy

as much of our block as they can get their hands on because they will end up earning good return for their capital, which is only

put up for a short period of time.

Greg Barnes

- TD Newcrest - Analyst

Does it make any sense for an industry buyer to come in at all or not?

Don Lindsay

- Teck Cominco - Presidentand CEO

Well, no, because the assets will have been sold.

Greg Barnes

- TD Newcrest - Analyst

Okay, I get it. Thank you.

over 11 years ago
Re: Teck has been using us

It would be interesting to find out if there was similar sentiment (lack of communication, deadlines missed, secrecy etc) shared by retail prior to Teck's takeover of Fording? Bet you dollars to doughnuts it was...


over 11 years ago
Re: Common sense

AAAHHH Politics, I have been in this stock for over 4 years and I recall the mining district that Shaft creek is a part of, referred to as a "Strategic Asset" At the time this came from an American official from a mining conference in Florida I recall. If the Americans are viewing this as a strategic asset what do you think the Harper government is thinking of it as?

The definition of a strategic asset being:

Assets that are needed by an entity/country in order for it to maintain its ability to achieve future outcomes. Without such assets the future well being of the company/company/continent could be in jeopardy.

As Vette alluded to, Big Politics is/will have an impact on our play here, hopefully it is positive for us.

over 11 years ago
Re: At this point

"Being invested in CUU makes me feel like every day i'm invested i learn something new..." Like what? Living on a diet of ketchup & water? :-)

Come on Elmer, get on that white steed...


over 11 years ago
Way up North
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