Relic53's Profile

Relic53's Posts

Re: Congratulations To Those......

Why would I be interested in another Norant. Has not done that good over the years unless you have a crystal ball and can buy on the dips and sell when it goes up. The problem is that knowing what is in the ground i just cannot take a chance and sell as it may spike and leave me out. Back when I believe Norant skyrockeded due to gold and nickel, Not Just a Nickel play. It also spiked real good a few years later due to the Chromite. Just don't need another Norant at this stage, it has been a pain in the ass for years in my opinion. Still have not sold yet, as i am hopeful eventually we longs will see some payback.

about 10 years ago
Re: Noront Announces Economic Mineral Reserve..don't agree with glorieux's outlo

I have been holding NOT for several years and have no intention of selling my shares until this plays out. I am one of those silent holders you mention, although I have not bought more, (Recently) I am too afraid to sell as this could take off at any time.In my mind, Selling is not an option.


about 13 years ago
Re: why

To give everyone a fair chance at reading the spectacualar news and have a equal chance to load up on KWG


about 14 years ago
Re: Just got of the phone with BMO-----

I spoke to Laurel Hill this am (1-877-304-0211) regarding voting for the merger. Informed him I had not recieved the pachage for the merger vote yet and he said it is in the mail. Laurel stated that there is no hurry to vote for the Merger and that I should wait till Monday as depending what happens over the next few days may influence managements recommendations etc. Anyway should give us time to get our package and control numbers etc.


about 14 years ago
Re: Vote for Merger::: how to vote Repost from Gleegee

Just to reiterate as there seems to be some confusion about the packages that are flooding our mailboxes: If you receive a package from Cliffs throw it in the garbage (unless you are taking the buy out).

You should receive a package from Spider if you are a registered shareholder, or your Broker if you are a nonregistered/beneficial shareholder.The package will state on the book front: NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SHAREHOLDERS OF SPIDER RESOURCES and MANAGEMENT INFORMATION CIRCULAR.

If you are voting for the merger here are the instructions:

1. There will be a proxy form inside for each account you hold.

2. Each proxy form will have a ten digit control number.

3. Each proxy form will state how many shares you hold in each account.

4. Instructions are on the reverse side of the proxy.

5. To vote by phone - Phone # 1-800-474-7493 (English) or 1-800-474-7501 (French)

6. Internet voting -

If you have not received this package, phone your Broker and ask for your control number then either phone the above number or vote on the internet.

Good luck,


about 14 years ago
Question re: Merger

How do we vote for the merger. I have not recieved anything in the mail regarding this issue. Is no action a vote for merger


about 14 years ago
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