RedTrader's Profile

RedTrader's Posts

Re: Bring Peter Back! - no

it was artificial value which has led by wrong information and valuation and now we are paying the price for it. We are where we should have been and now it's up to the POET to give us "real" value


almost 8 years ago
Re: 5.5 million shorts need to cover - Unless they bought the issue

Could be that they are part of the placement

almost 8 years ago
stop with the if, maybe, if only....time to look forward

what is the purpose of speculating about a possible loan or a rights offering or an offering to the shareholders. It's done, it's over....let's discuss where we go from here.

The one risk to the stock price i worry about between now and year end is potential tax-loss selling.

As we enter 2017 we should start to see a consistant upward move....any of you need a tax deduction?

almost 8 years ago
Re: Potentially

Bear, are you a shorter...sure sound like one

almost 8 years ago
Management is only reason to be in this deal

Stop talking about changing management. They are the only reason I'm here. The problem is with their advisors.

I think IBK would have given us a better deal that the current IR firm.

almost 8 years ago
Bankers, thieves?

we will only know over the next few days. If the stock goes back to pre-PP date, then we will know that these guys are pigs but will take us higher.

If we don't move from here, we've been taken and the IR firm took us for a ride as well.

I just surprised that with the quality management we have that we couldn't get better investors.

almost 8 years ago
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