Red Mars's Profile

I am a short term investor of junior mines and am constantly seeking to learn more about how this sector trades in Canada/US. Trade using RBC Direct Investing. Currently reading "Revolutionary Wealth" by Alvin & Heidi Toffler paperback 2006 $21.00 cdn. So far, I've found the book to be somewhat interesting. Its about the ways in which tomorrow's wealth will be created, and who will get it, and how. I found "ResourceWorld Magazine" and "The Northern Miner" news paper to be some of the best ways to keep informed about the Canadian mining sector.

Red Mars's Posts

House Positions

In the last 30 days:

Anonymous is the biggest net seller


Canacord is the biggest net buyer

With today's transparency I wonder why the Anonymous designation is still allowed.

Here are all the house positions for : AGQ from 12/22/2008 to 1/22/2009.

22 Records Returned

House Positions




1 Anonymous












9 BMO Nesbitt



36 Latimer



46 Blackmont



7 TD Sec



141 Bolder



15 UBS



85 Scotia



59 PI



60 MF Global Can



57 Interactive



83 Research Cap



62 Haywood



80 National Bank



19 Desjardins



5 Penson






77 Peters



33 Canaccord






over 15 years ago
Dec 01, 2008 Dow Jones news item re: Arian

A little late in posting it. Might still be a good read for some. Cheers. Red Mars

DJ Arian Silver Corp 9-Mo Pretax Loss $3.3M -2-

Dec 01, 2008 (Dow Jones Commodities News via Comtex) -- ASLRF | Quote | Chart | News | PowerRating -- Edited Press Release

Arian Silver Chief Executive Officer, Jim Williams, said that following on from the excellent progress at the San Jose project reported in Q2, the final Phase-1 drilling results from the Tepal property were calculated, which resulted in a 36% upgrade of previously reported "inferred" resources into the "indicated" resource category.

"This confirms the excellent continuity of mineralisation in multiple directions on our Tepal property, which in turn gives us great encouragement for potential expansion of resources", Williams said.

Regarding the Phase-2 drilling programme at San Jose, the company has now completed nearly 7,000 metres of drilling in 38 drill holes.

Results from assay batches comprising the initial 19 drill holes were very encouraging as reported Nov. 6.

"Meanwhile we continue to dewater the San Jose mine workings and will carry out additional underground sampling to supplement our drilling on "new" areas exposed by lowering the water table", he said.

In addition the company is also close to completing an initial scoping study to examine a preliminary production scenario based on some of its existing resources and involving contract mining and toll milling.

The Company, in common with all junior exploration companies, requires access to equity markets as they develop and of course during 2008 this has become increasingly difficult.

Accordingly the board decided to operate at a reduced pace until market conditions improve.

"We have, therefore, deferred some 5,000 metres of additional drilling planned as a finalisation of the Phase-2 programme at San Jose as well as curtailing exploration on the other projects in our extensive portfolio. We are also making reductions in overheads in our London and Mexican offices", Williams said.

The board believes it has already identified a very significant silver-lead-zinc resource at San Jose with obvious expansion potential.

It has established excellent management teams in Mexico and London and once the financial markets stabilize expects the value of the assets in Arian to be recognized and re-rated in due course.

In management's view, the most meaningful information concerning the Company relates to its current liquidity and solvency since it is not currently generating any income from its mineral projects.

The Company will require additional funding in the future in order to progress exploration programmes on its mineral projects, to meet property option payments, for development and for general working capital requirements.

Sources of funds currently available to the Company are through the issue of equity capital, the sale of its interests in one or more of its projects, by way of project joint ventures or business combinations.

The Company has accumulated IVA (sales tax), which amounted to $997,000 at Sept. 30. This relates to past exploration expenditure and is now being repaid in installments by the Mexican tax authorities.

Any delay in future repayments of this IVA debtor will have an impact on the timing of further funding required for the Company and could bring forward a funding requirement into Q1 of 2009.

The directors are currently investigating funding options, other than through direct equity placements, which may be available to the Company in the future.

Since the Company is at an early stage of development, it has in the past raised funds in several discrete tranches, which is a common practice for junior mineral exploration companies. Although the Company has been successful in the past in raising equity finance, there can be no assurance that the funding required by the Company will be made available to it when needed or, if such funding were to be available, that it would be offered on reasonable terms.

The terms of such financing might not be favourable to the Company and might involve substantial dilution to existing shareholders.

The directors of the Company currently believe it appropriate to prepare the Company's financial statements on a going concern basis. However, if the Company is unable to raise sufficient financing in the future, it may not be able to meet its ongoing working capital and other expenditure requirements.

If these circumstances arose this would cast significant doubt on the Company's ability to continue as a going concern.

As at Sept. 30, the Company had working capital of $0.5 million (Dec. 31, 2007: $3.5 million). Exploration and development commitments as at Sept. 30, in the MD&A the Company will need to make some material payments in order to maintain in good standing its interests in certain properties.

The next such payment amounting to $255,000 falls due in February 2009.

The decrease in working capital during the period is the result of project and administrative expenditure.

Order free Annual Report for Arian Silver Corp.

Visit or call +44 (0)208 391 6028

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

12-01-08 0431ET

almost 16 years ago
Vangold Update

Vangold Update

VANCOUVER, BC -- (Marketwire) -- 11/13/08 -- Vangold Resources Ltd. (TSX-V: VAN) ("Vangold") recognizes the global financial crisis is affecting countries and companies. These are extraordinary and troubling times for all of us including our shareholders. We are determined to survive. We have cash on hand of $7.5 M (Cdn) and we have no debt. Thus, preservation of capital is our key goal! All projects in our portfolio were evaluated on the basis of cash outlay, projected cash flow, and time lines. We conclude our immediate area of concentration will be our gas projects in Alberta. The first program is due to spud in January 2009. We believe these projects will give us the earliest cash flow.

Head Office

Stock Option Plan

An amendment to the Stock Option Plan is planned to decrease the allowed numbers of options of common shares from 20% to 15% of the issued and outstanding common shares. We presently have granted stock options equal to about 8% of our issued and outstanding shares. The proposed amendment to the plan is subject to the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange and our shareholders.

Warrants Outstanding December 2007

An application is being made to the TSX Venture Exchange to extend the December 2007 warrants for a further year and to reprice them from $0.60 to $0.465. This proposed amendment requires the approval of our shareholders.


Mr. Tim Mills tendered his resignation to the Vangold Board of Directors, effective October 31, 2008, to pursue other interests. We thank Mr. Mills for his contribution.

Pacific Kanon Gold Corp. Initial Public Offering ("IPO")

The amended prospectus for the IPO is in the final stages and we expect to be filed shortly. We expect to take it into market Q1 of 2009 provided the market is responsive to an IPO at that time.

Alberta, Natural Gas and Petroleum Resource Update

Vangold is pleased to announce that it has recently opened an office in Calgary, Alberta to facilitate management of its Canadian and International oil and gas assets. The office is manned by Mr. Jonathan Schroeder, P.Geoph., who was recently appointed Director of Oil and Gas Operations by Vangold. The office is located at Suite 2600, 144-4th Avenue SW, Calgary Alberta, Canada T2P 3N4. The telephone number is: 403-571-0853.

Mr. Schroeder is pleased to report that Vangold's long awaited Strachan Leduc gas prospect (aka Deep Basin) will commence drilling operations during the first week of January 2009. The well is anticipated to encounter significant remaining attic gas reserves in an existing natural gas pool that has produced in excess of 80 BCF of natural gas to date. Vangold holds a 35% working interest in the well before payout and 21% working interest after payout.

International Oil Concessions

Kenya, Blocks 3A & 3B Update

Chevron previously shot seismic data (1975) which was forwarded from their Iron Mountain storage site (Houston) to seismic processing company Sensor Geophysical, Calgary ("Sensor"). Reprocessing of the data, estimated to be completed on or about November 30, 2008, will result in better definition and structural control of the regional Cretaceous play. At Block 3, 11 prospects/leads were identified through interpretation of Chevron (1975) seismic data along with integration and interpretation reviews of Amoco (1986), Total (1990), Beicip (1980, 1984), Western International Atlas/CORELAB (1994), and AIconsult (1998).

The probabilistic productive areas covered by Vangold's prospects range from 4713 to 37,498 acres with an average of 21,000 acres and aggregating to 202,025 acres. Evidence of a working petroleum system in Block 3A, which forms part of the Anza Graben Basin, are oil shows in Sirus-1 well (drilled by Amoco in Block 10 A), Lundin Petroleum AB ("Lundin"). Block 10A lies to the northeast of Block 3A. China National Oil Company, (CNOOCs) Block 9 lies in between Block 10A and Block 3A. All are situated in the Anza Graben Basin. Please refer to the map on Vangold's website located at (See Asset Tab, Kenya Block 3A and 3B).

The gross unrisked prospective resources estimate in Block 3 are being evaluated in house by our Geotechnical Team with parameters being derived/estimated from the look-alike Melut Basin in Southern Sudan (the largest oil field in the Melut Basin is the Great Palogue Field with estimated reserves of 900 million barrels).

Lundin reported they completed an aerogravity survey over Block 10 A, and have targeted one exploratory well to be drilled at the Bogal Prospect, Block 9, in the first quarter 2009. The Bogal prospect in Block 9 is 120 km from Vangold's Block 3.

Preliminary reprocessing of two seismic lines over Blocks 3A and 3B show stacked, amplitude anomalies on one structural prospect. AVO analysis on one seismic line by Sensor further appears to show three P Wave Impedance and Fluid Factor anomalies that may further lower the perceived exploration risk.

Vangold's Geotechnical team has planned an infill seismic survey, likely to be undertaken early next year, to incorporate longer spread lengths to optimize seismic attribute analysis and display. Vangold's technical team acquired gravity and magnetic data from Edcon-PRJ Gravity & Magnetics, and recently completed in-house digitization of the same. This data will be integrated with the Leicester gravity data, and Paterson, Grant & Watson's ("PGW") magnetic data purchased by Vangold. Integration of all data will be performed after Sensor Geophysical reprocesses Chevrons data at the end of November 2008. The reprocessed data will be re-interpreted by consultants shortly thereafter.

Rwanda Oil Concession Update

The aerial survey for the measurement of the earth's gravity and magnetic fields over Lake Kivu and South West of Rwanda has been concluded. A total of 2,088 line km has been flown against 3,100 km planned, linearly achieving 70% coverage of the East Kivu Graben. The apparent lack of completion of the planned survey is primarily due to political unrest in the Democratic Republic of Congo region, despite the best efforts from the Rwandan side and Vangold.

Despite this difficulty, the contractor, South African based New Resolution Geophysics ("NRG"), was able to complete 100% of the southern survey covering Block 2 and 100% of Block 4 over Lake Kivu. Additionally NRG was able to achieve important coverage of the east-west flight lines over Block 1, and the southern and northern regions of the East Kivu Graben. The flight line coverage in Block 1 traverses across the dip geometry of the East Kivu Graben in the Northern area and Southern areas that mitigates border areas not covered.

The data quality is good, having met all survey and contractual specifications. The geological and geophysical objectives of covering the whole of Rwanda concession area have been partially met in Block 1, and 100% accomplished in the Block 2 survey areas. Further, gravity and magnetic data 5 km from the border with DRC in the northern lake area has not been collected as it was within the turning area of the airplane. This is however, mitigated by two east-west dip flight lines that cross the northern area and a further three lines in the southern part of the Lake.

The sedimentary basin development cannot be directly adduced from raw field data. The data needs topographical corrections in the rugged mountains/hills in the south and the bathymetry corrections of the water depth in the lake. Therefore, computer data room processing of the raw field data in Johannesburg has just been completed by NRG. In Toronto, Vangold's consultant, PGW, have embarked on interpretation and modeling of the data. In-house processing and interpretation by Vangold's geotechnical team is also currently in progress. Both work programs will be merged and integrated with the 1981 aeromagnetic survey data, and previously conducted ground gravity surveys. The expected result will be a depth and area model of the sedimentary basin in East Kivu Graben. This will be integrated with geology, ASAR study and geochemical data recently gathered from Rubona gas geochemical gas study for the evaluation of the hydrocarbon prospectively of Lake Kivu.

Uganda Mineral Properties

Vangold currently holds more than 2,200 square kilometers in exploration licenses in Uganda that are grouped into 6 projects: Kafunjo (Ni, Cu, Pt), West Nile (Au), Kilembe (Cu, Co), Kamwenge (Cu, Au), Fort Portal (Cu, Au) and Bugiri (Au). Vangold's website lists the current status, work completed to date, and proposed work programs for each of these exciting areas.

Current exploration work on the Ugandan mineral properties involves continued geological mapping and prospecting of concessions, including newly acquired licenses in West Nile, and soil geochemistry across highly prospective zones at West Nile (Kilo-Moto style host rocks), Bugiri (Banded Iron-Formations or BIFs) in Lake Victoria Greenstone Gold Belt and Kafunjo (Kabanga-style nickel sulphide potential) to delineate high potential mineral targets. The Ugandan team consists of national geologists and local laborers. Work is overseen by Danae A. Voormeij, M.Sc., P. Geo. QP under NI 43-101 and VP of Exploration for Vangold.

Kafunjo Drill Program

Phase 1 Drill Program Completed

* Vangold Resources Ltd. holds three adjacent licences which are located in southwest Uganda near the triple junction of Tanzania, Rwanda, and Uganda. At Kafunjo strong coincident low magnetic and high gravity anomalies occur on a magnetic trend which arcs from the ultramafic-hosted nickel-PGM deposits at Kabanga and Kagera in Tanzania. Similarities to the local geology and low magnetic anomalies at the Kabanga deposit strongly suggest that the anomalies at Kafunjo may be caused by an ultramafic body.

* A diamond drilling program, planned to test the central sector of a 4 km by 1 km anomalous zone at Kafunjo to depths of approximately 700 to 1000 metres (m) has been completed. A total of 2,317 m was cored in three holes. The three drill holes did not locate potentially economic mineralization. Ultramafic rocks were not intersected in Phase 1.

* The drill is now being demobilized and the site recontoured.

* Each of three holes crossed metasedimentary mica schist and silty mudstone. Sedimentary facies appear to change rapidly: crossbedding, scour channels, and soft-sediment slumps mark stratigraphic disruptions. Concordant metasedimentary graphite-pyrrhotite iron formation occurs in true widths of 30-40 m, with maximum pyrrhotite concentration of 10% in intervals of several metres. Occasional specks of chalcopyrite occur on the margins of pyrrhotite bands. Occasional kink folds indicate positions on fold limbs. Fracturing on bedding/foliation creates blocky zones of difficult drilling. Transcurrent faults are interpreted as both steeply and flat dipping. A potential host for nickel sulphide mineralization was not encountered.

* A ground magnetic survey was completed in early 2007 by personnel from the Geophysical Department of the Uganda Geological Survey in order to verify the results of previous surveys. The position and intensity of the magnetic low corresponds to the earlier information. Modelling of the magnetic low by various geophysicists has suggested the upper portion of the anomaly to be between 200 and 600 m below surface. The quantities of pyrrhotite which are present do not account for the intensity of the magnetic anomaly.

* In June 2008, a gravity survey was completed by a field crew from Kenya General Electricity ("KenGen"). A depth model of the gravity anomaly prepared by a geophysicist of KenGen shows a flat-lying dense body, with an upper surface 700 to 1,200 m below surface, extending 950 m in width northeast-southwest, 750-1250 m in vertical thickness, and with a flat to moderate northeasterly dip on both upper and lower surfaces. The specific gravity ("SG") of the dense body is estimated by the geophysicist to be 3.4 grams/cubic centimeter (g/cc), in comparison to a SG of 2.55-2.70 g/cc of the enclosing metasedimentary rocks.

* A SG test of 1.0 m of core from 655.75 to 656.75 m in hole K-03-08 of pyrrhotite iron formation was performed by a technician in the laboratory of the Geological Survey of Uganda. The core is representative of the highest average quantity of pyrrhotite in the hole and generally in all of the drilling, visually estimated at 10%. The SG is determined by the difference in weight in air and weight while immersed in water to be 2.90 g/cc. This compares with a first approximation calculation which substituted 10% of mica schist (SG 2.70 g/cc) by 10% of pyrrhotite (SG 3.65 g/cc), to arrive at a SG of 2.89 g/cc. The quantities of pyrrhotite that have been intersected do not explain the gravity high.

* The geophysical anomalies indicate the presence of a large, dense, and intensely magnetic body.

* The first hole, K-01-08, was drilled to 943 m prior to the collection and interpretation of gravity data. It was sited over the magnetic low, and as later determined is above the central portion of the gravity anomaly. At this location the top of the dense body is shown to be approximately 1,000 m below surface, and thus the hole may have been short of the target.

* K-02-08 was positioned to cross the centre of the gravity anomaly at approximately 700 m below surface and to continue to cross the magnetic low at approximately 1,000 m. The hole was ended at a length of 635 m because of caving of wall rocks.

* K-03-08 was drilled above the south central part of the gravity anomaly, oriented to enter the upper surface of the gravity profile at approximately 700 m below surface, and to continue to cross the magnetic anomaly at approximately 1,050 m. The vicinity of the gravity target was entered at approximately 680 m below surface. Walls of the hole began to cave and drilling had to be terminated at 739 m in the hole. Silty iron formation from 610-700 m in the hole contains the mineral chiastolite (andalusite) and small sheared fragments of garnetite, both of which indicate a slightly higher grade of metamorphism and are known to be present in the metasediments at Kabanga.

* Samples taken at regularly spaced intervals of the drill core will be analyzed geochemically for multiple elements. A 3-dimensional plot of values may indicate new or refined target locations.

* All core from the Kafunjo project, including the 1995 core from the first phase of drilling, will be stored at the Geological Survey in Entebbe. A storage container on cement pillars will house core for convenient future reference.

* Airborne geophysical surveys were funded by international monetary banking sources coordinated through the Geological Survey of Uganda. During 2007 and 2008, airborne surveys flown covered a majority of Uganda including areas where Vangold holds licences. The program consists of 700,000 line kilometers of magnetic and radiometric data collection, with selected high potential areas flown by helicopter and fixed wing aircraft for advanced electromagnetics. Flights over the Kafunjo licences during August and September 2008 included all three geophysical sensors. When the data is made available Vangold will acquire the CDs and commission services for interpretation.

* Future programs may include reinterpretation of the gravity model with incorporation of drill hole data, inspection of the new airborne surveys, and compilation of lithology and geochemistry into a 3-D model. Reverse circulation drilling, which is more able to complete holes in broken rock formations, may be considered for a subsequent program; equipment which can drill to +700 m is available in Tanzania.

* Dal Brynelsen, President and CEO of Vangold states, "Kafunjo continues to be an exciting project with good potential for a world-class nickel-sulfide deposit. Our team remains on the ground in Uganda and our exploration efforts carry on. Once the core is interpreted and assays are received, Vangold's geological team will determine the next appropriate step(s)."

To find out more about Vangold Resources Ltd. please visit our website at or contact Dal Brynelsen at 604-684-1974 or by email

On Behalf of the Board of


"Dal Brynelsen"

Dal Brynelsen, President and CEO

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of the content of this news release.

Distributed by Filing Services Canada and retransmitted by Marketwire

Dal Brynelsen
email Email Contact

Source: Marketwire (November 13, 2008 - 6:45 PM EST)

News by QuoteMedia

almost 16 years ago
Re: Arian Silver Reports Phase-2 Assays on Initial 19 Holes at San Jose LONDON, UNIT

Judging from the increase in volume two days ago, looks like some people in the know picked up some extra shares prior to the news release.

Cheers to all

Day High
Day Low







almost 16 years ago
Wescan drilling in Beardmore-Geraldton gold belt

Wescan drilling in Beardmore-Geraldton gold belt

Stock Symbol: WGF: TSX-V

SASKATOON, Oct. 16 /CNW/ - Wescan Goldfields Inc. (WGF: TSX-V) ("Wescan") is pleased to announce that diamond drilling has commenced on the Wescan - Alto Ventures Ltd. (ATV: TSX-V) ("Alto") Mud Lake Joint Venture. Ten to twelve core holes will be drilled to test gold mineralization along the six kilometre Mud Lake Shear Zone, a region where gold occurs on surface and in drill intercepts that assay up to 13.9 grams per tonne ("g/t") gold across 1.0 metres ("m"). The high grade gold occurs within a wider zone of mineralization averaging 3.39 g/t gold across 6.1 m. This program is part of a longer term strategy to evaluate each of the gold targets with diamond drilling. Significant gold intercepts are highlighted on the Alto's website at

The Mud Lake Project is operated under the terms of the Mud Lake Option Agreement which grants Wescan the right to earn 50% interest in the property by funding $600,000 in exploration and issuing a total of 150,000 Wescan shares to Alto over two years. Upon completion of this program, Wescan will have satisfied the expenditure commitments to earn its interest in the project.

The Mud Lake Property lies 25 km northeast of Beardmore and shares a common boundary with the Hercules Property located to the north of Mud Lake and where Kodiak Exploration Limited reported the discovery of significant gold mineralization.

Mike Koziol, P. Geo., P.Eng. and Alto's President and Director is the Qualified Person who has reviewed and approved this news release.

Wescan is a Canadian based corporation engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of mineral properties. Shares of Wescan trade on the TSX Venture Exchange under the trading symbol "WGF".

"The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept
responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release."

Caution Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

From time to time, Wescan makes written or oral forward-looking statements within the meaning of certain securities laws, including the "safe harbor" provisions of Canadian securities legislation. Wescan may make such statements in this press release, in other filings with Canadian securities regulators in reports to shareholders or in other communications. These forward-looking statements include, among others, statements with respect to the receipt of dispositions and permits from Saskatchewan Energy and Resources, Wescan's objectives for the ensuing year, our medium and long-term goals, and strategies to achieve those objectives and goals, as well as statements with respect to our beliefs, plans, objectives, expectations, anticipations, estimates and intentions. The words "may," "could," "should," "would," "suspect," "outlook," "believe," "plan," "anticipate," "estimate," "expect," "intend," and words and expressions of similar import are intended to identify forward-looking statements. In particular, statements regarding Wescan's future operations, future exploration and development activities or other development plans contain forward-looking statements.

All forward-looking statements and information are based on Wescan's current beliefs as well as assumptions made by and information currently available to Wescan concerning anticipated financial performance, business prospects, strategies, regulatory developments, development plans, exploration, development and mining activities and commitments. Although management considers these assumptions to be reasonable based on information currently available to it, they may prove to be incorrect.

By their very nature, forward-looking statements involve inherent risks and uncertainties, both general and specific, and risks exist that predictions, forecasts, projections and other forward-looking statements will not be achieved. We caution readers not to place undue reliance on these statements as a number of important factors could cause the actual results to differ materially from the beliefs, plans, objectives, expectations, anticipations, estimates and intentions expressed in such forward-looking statements. These factors include, but are not limited to, the receipt of dispositions and permits from Saskatchewan Energy and Resources, developments in world gold markets, risks relating to fluctuations in the Canadian dollar and other currencies relative to the US dollar, changes in exploration, development or mining plans due to exploration results and changing budget priorities of Wescan or its joint venture partners; the effects of competition in the markets in which Wescan operates; the impact of changes in the laws and regulations regulating mining exploration and development; judicial or regulatory judgments and legal proceedings; operational and infrastructure risks and the additional risks described in Wescan's most recently filed annual and interim MD&A and Wescan's anticipation of and success in managing the foregoing risks.

Wescan cautions that the foregoing list of factors that may affect future results is not exhaustive. When relying on our forward-looking statements to make decisions with respect to Wescan, investors and others should carefully consider the foregoing factors and other uncertainties and potential events. Wescan does not undertake to update any forward-looking statement, whether written or oral, that may be made from time to time by Wescan or on our behalf.

%SEDAR: 00021049E

Source: Canada NewsWire (October 16, 2008 - 9:00 AM EDT)

News by QuoteMedia

almost 16 years ago
Hackett River Study Update

Sabina Silver Announces Hackett River Study Update

Opportunities to Enhance Project Economics Continue to be Identified

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA -- (Marketwire) -- 10/16/08 -- Sabina Silver Corporation (TSX VENTURE: SBB) announced today an update on work progressing at its 100% owned Hackett River silver-zinc project in Nunavut, Canada.


Hackett River is a major silver-zinc deposit located approximately 75 kilometres from tide water in the Canadian arctic. Not only is it one of the largest undeveloped silver deposits of its type in the world, but it is located in one of the world's most appealing mining jurisdictions. Nunavut Territory, Canada, is a pro-mining jurisdiction subject to a rigorous achievable permitting process. The Territory is eager to create infrastructure and economic sustainability through the responsible development of mineral projects in the region.

Hackett River is currently in the pre-feasibility phase. As previously announced, the on-site pre-feasibility work required at Hackett for this year has been completed. The Company and its consultants are now waiting for the results of this work, along with other studies to be able to compile the data into a pre-feasibility study.

"It is essential, in today's economic environment, that the study is completed in a manner that is conservative but realistic, especially in light of anticipated increases in capital and operating costs," said Tony Walsh, President & CEO "Work continues to identify opportunities for optimizing project economics for the pre-feasibility study as well as to look for opportunities to grow Hackett River. As previously announced a recent Hackett River exploration review indicates excellent potential for the discovery of additional resources."

One of these opportunities is the potential for increased tonnage. The Hackett River Project will need to utilize a road and port. The costs of either building or using these facilities are fixed, however increased tonnage could mitigate these fixed costs and enhance project economics. The Company plans to look for increased tonnage by: completing further exploration at Hackett River; revising mine sequencing and from potential additional through put from proximal projects.

A review of the proposed mining technology is currently underway. For example, management now believes that the Boot Zone, originally an underground target, might be amenable to open pit mining. This would result in a synergistic open pit mining operation as well as deferring the capital requirements for underground development further into the life of the project. This would significantly bolster the economics of the project.

Other work continues on optimizing mill size, concentrate trucking, and metal recoveries.

Management still expects the pre-feasibility study and the updated mineable resource will be completed during the first quarter of 2009.

The Company is committed to the Hackett River project and to the relationships and partnerships it has created in Nunavut to date. Sabina supports the territory's plans for infrastructure, in particular the Bathurst Inlet Port and Road project as Hackett River operations will rely on a port and road. Nunavut remains one of the most prospective mining jurisdictions in the world.

All contemplated production at the Hackett River project is subject to positive feasibility studies, the availability of financing and permitting and regulatory approval.


As previously announced, management believes there are opportunities in this market to mitigate against the effects of Hackett River's long lead time on the Company's share price. As part of the corporate strategy, management continues to evaluate opportunities and proposals for accretive corporate transactions. The current market presents many affordable opportunities which combined with the Company's very strong balance sheet, puts Sabina in a strong position. Management is favouring assets that are non-grass roots precious metals preferably in North America, although consideration will be given to opportunities in other politically stable jurisdictions.

SABINA SILVER CORPORATION is a Canadian public mineral exploration and development company with assets at the Hackett River silver-zinc project in Nunavut, the Del Norte project in the Stewart-Eskay Creek Mining District and several projects in the Red Lake gold camp. The Company is well capitalized with $44 million in cash and marketable securities at June 30, 2008. Management believes the Company has the financial resources to complete its pre-development initiatives at Hackett River.

Forward Looking Statements

Statements relating to exploration, pre-feasibility work and future operations at the Hackett River Project and the expected results of this work are forward-looking statements within the meaning of securities legislation of certain Provinces in Canada. Forward looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always, identified by the words "expects", "plans", "anticipates", "believes", "intends", "estimates", "projects", "potential" and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "will", "would", "may", "could" or "should" occur. Information inferred from the interpretation of drilling results may also be deemed to be forward looking statements, as it constitutes a prediction of what might be found to be present when and if a project is actually developed. These forward-looking statements are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those reflected in the forward-looking statements, including, without limitation: risks related to fluctuations in metal prices; uncertainties related to raising sufficient financing to fund the planned work in a timely manner and on acceptable terms; changes in planned work resulting from weather, logistical, technical or other factors; the possibility that results of work will not fulfill expectations and realize the perceived potential of the Company's properties; risk of accidents, equipment breakdowns and labour disputes or other unanticipated difficulties or interruptions; the possibility of cost overruns or unanticipated expenses in the work program; the risk of environmental contamination or damage resulting from Sabina's operations and other risks and uncertainties, including those described in Sabina's Annual Report for the year ended December 31, 2007.

Forward-looking statements are based on the beliefs, estimates and opinions of Sabina's management on the date the statements are made. Sabina undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements should management's beliefs, estimates or opinions, or other factors, should change.

This news release has been authorized by the undersigned on behalf of Sabina Silver Corporation.

Tony Walsh, President & CEO

Sabina Silver Corporation
Nicole Hoeller
Director, IR
(604) 648-4216

Source: Marketwire (October 16, 2008 - 8:30 AM EDT)

News by QuoteMedia

almost 16 years ago
Red Mars
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