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Rawkstar's Posts

Re:TFSA question From the Discussion Board


You should check with your broker. As I was told, if you withdraw a million from your TFSA - that creates a high water mark and you can replace all of it not just your TFSA max contribution. This is a hidden beauty of the TFSA. If you are swapping a million dollars of SLI shares from a cash account in to the TFSA you will have to pay capital gains on the million transfered in at the end of the transfer year. The high water mark is only created if/when you withdraw from the TFSA. Check that out.


over 12 years ago
I Don't Do China - Clarified


Just wanted to set the record straight as I was the first to report the "I don't do China' comment (see point 3 in post below). The CEO made this statement to me after I mentioned that Murry had told me they we're going to China. I assumed she was going as well.

I read the comment to be travel related and had nothing to do with doing business with China. In fact, the CEO showed us that China was the number 2 source of hits to the website which she presented as a big positive.

So let's just chill on the wild speculation and throwing gas on a fire that doesn't exist.

Reaching the buyout finish line (if that's your goal) is going to be like 8 seconds at the Stampede. There will be more days ahead like last Friday. So take your favourite relaxant, cinch up your 'Depends' and breathe easy.



over 12 years ago
Re: PRIME + SH Board !!

I agree.

I am disgusted with the attempted take over of this hub. And the hokey, rigged research poll is just an another ploy.

By the way, the very high percentage of 'I don't knows' (well over 20) is a sign of ignorant, poorly worded questions.

Please stay on SH where there's a hint of appreciation


over 12 years ago
Re: Field Assay


Thanks for the feedback. So what I am seeing looks like a pattern of "knowing" but not "knowing for sure". Meaning that management (as you say) has a damn good idea what's coming out of the drills by informal informale field testing but don't "know for sure" until the lab results.

But then those same lab results are sent to McElhany Engineering (therefore not directly received by SLI) so that management 'knows' the results but not officially. Now they don't have to release them until they're ready and the drill program (recently expanded meaning the same program to me) is completed.

Looks to me like someone (Lori) is getting set to make a big splash with hopefully big numbers some day down the road.

Here's thinking 'multi-bagger'.


PS Don - Great to shake a paw with you at the AGM and thanks again for the awesome 'only in Canada you say' TFSA advice.

almost 13 years ago
Field Assay

Sculpin / Stewie:

I don't mean to burst your bubble Sculp but FYI I recall Lori saying at least twice in the AGM Presentation that they do not and she would not do field assays because she doesn't trust them. Everything goes to the lab. You guys know more about drilling than I do - but this is just what I heard her say emphatically - is this your recollection Stewie?


almost 13 years ago
Re: update on Peruvian protests


Excellent sleuthing once again Sherlock. It's good to see Humala sticking by his word and supporting the industry (and his future tax dollars). I assume that our company policy towards locals at Tesoro also applies to Vilcoro and that will take us a long way down the road. Happy locals in stable countries only add value to our properties. Thanks.


almost 13 years ago
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