RE002's Profile

RE002's Posts

Re: The 25% solution -crystallens

Ancient Dragon - prior to my cataract surgeries 5 years ago, I looked into this lens that allows for near and far sight. After extensive DD, I received enough negative comment about this relatively new product/procedure that I opted for the standard lens replacement. I suggest you take the same extensive DD prior having this crystal lens placed in something as important as the eye. The negative comments were both from patients and Dr's and the fact that because of the newness there are few Dr's with many, many placements of this lens. Good Luck!

over 13 years ago
Re: Mushrooms !

Disagree all you want. Where do you get these numbers and IF GRZ can prove the $300million what will the ICSID findings reveal 2-4-6 yrs down the road. If you're so enamoured with GRZ's chances buy everything you can and stop fk'n with KRY and this board. UR either with US or against US. All of you Nay sayers are a JOKE. You purport to be investors in KRY, but take every chance to bad mouth the company, executives and anything that serves your negative purpose. I doubt you have any KRY shares or GRZ shares - your here solely to stir the POT. You and and all the ilk like you belong on the Yahoo board and I would hope the Suits are reading.

almost 14 years ago
Re: Mushrooms !

If I owned GRZ - I'd feel like St Nick had arrived early. I, as all here, can't explain KRY's pps other than KRY is being manipulated in order for some to pick up as many low priced shares as they can. It could be China, VZ politicians in the know - I can only speculate, but for every seller there is a buyer and alot of shares have traded in the past 6 mo to a year.

almost 14 years ago
Mushrooms !

I agree that Kry investors have been treated like Mushrooms -

kept in the Dark and fed BS. The 2 things that lend confidence to KRY closing the JV and moving forward-permit/buyout etc is Chinas $20+B's presence in VZ and China's reputation around the world for ethically moving contracts forward(they can't leave a trail of cheating their partners without shooting themselves in the foot) and the GRZ pps increases in the past 6months. There is no explanation for GRZ's movement other than LB is in play along with LC and the JV. These are facts - not wishful thinking.

almost 14 years ago
Re: GRZ - Observations

Boys - Most all of investing is NOT an Exact science & You did not pay attention to 2 words " at least". GRZ's site shows they burned $16.6 million for 9 months ending 9/30/10. Approx $13million of the $68 is in "marketable securities" which they do not disclose what they are so we really don't know if they are "marketable" or the Real value. The "at least 2yrs" is an understatement. XOM & COP filed, If memory serves, in 2007 and they are still at it. Vannesa has been at it since 02 or 03. Do you really think Grz will have a resolution thru ICSID in 2 yrs? My MAIN point is that as of 9/30/10 Grz had cash equivalent of approx $1.20/share yet the stock is trading then at $1.80 and had picked up $1.00 since the KRY/CRRC announcement which leads me to believe that GRZ/LB is in play along with and is part of the Chinese JV with KRY. Add to that is what we all know of China's $20+ B investment in VZ and $1Trillion investment world wide in commodity related companys. They are also making these commodity investments with $USD's that will be worth less in years to come yet the commodities will be worth more and will keep China's economy expanding. Don't look at the Tree, but at the Forest.

almost 14 years ago
Re: GRZ - Observations

Breakfast of Champions - OJ & Vodka

almost 14 years ago
Tiburon, Ca.
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