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Quetzal's Posts

Re: Drilling prospects aren't in the forecast

Well said Argoz, and thanks I can see the ligth now...

It's just been painfull, to move heavy (buying weakness) in the worst

(performance wise) of the 30 silver stocks I am monitoring, thinking it was

the cheapest one of them all and while it had a good context to finally catch

up with the rising Ag price. It took the wrong turn one more time instead...

If it's real I find it really suspect to see it hanging there under 1 with the

potentiel there is for this "Newco" to become one of the top 10 in the


Hopefully it will shoot up like Argentex did when I was buying weakness

a couple of weeks ago with the same feeling and the same doubts.

But Argentex isn't ready to become a core position like the Newco will be

if this deal goes through.

about 13 years ago
Re: Drilling prospects aren't in the forecast

"Cutting marbles similar to those enclosing the massive sulfides in the first hole"

are not "results". My interpretation of Jnycat's post about his conversation with M Butler,

is that he is not very excited about the deep drilling.

These are the words he used:

"I also asked what is going on with the drilling results. He informed he didn't know at this time but it did not sound respectful . And by that I meant the drilling results themselves."

And this about a week after we got your "results" from the deep drilling.

My guess is we will get concrete results back from the labo around mid august.

about 13 years ago
Re: Drilling prospects aren't in the forecast

Did the share price of Newco moved down the last couple of weeks, while most of the other

silver shares had a nice rebound along the Ag rising price, because it looks like there won't

come any good news (the biggest hope for a nice rally in the short term) out of the expensive

drilling that has been done around the massive sulphide?

That's my impression, because appart from these rumors (Jnycat's conversation with M. Butler)

we've had mostly a nice context the last month.

about 13 years ago

With this big drop AUMN closed a big gap and has now reached oversold territory.

With all the positives of the last couple of weeks and the favorable technical situation,

this "newco" (AUMN & ECU in tandem) should be able to rebound nicely.

We have Ag staying firm above 40$; Au reaching a new all time high, Ecu scrapping

new Bonanza grade mineral zones and not short of cash anymore, I mean, what else

would you hope for? I'm monitoring 30 silver stocks and the "newco" has been the

only one that didn't rally a small bit in this nice Ag rebound. It leaves an bad smel.

It usually rebounds nicely when I am about to trow in the towel like now...

about 13 years ago
Re: An interesting last 30 hours/Quetzal

Thanks pmseeker,

Alpha/Chi, what's that? My broker told me that my orders probably went trough side markets...

My concern is that it makes a difference in the demand / offer equation doesn't it?

about 13 years ago
Re: An interesting last 30 hours

Bought more than 50k shares that where executed today and didn't show up in the market

on my on line chart except for 3500 shares...?

How can a stock ever rise if its exchange accounts the sell orders and not the buy orders?

about 13 years ago
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