Professor_JD's Profile

Professor_JD's Posts

Re:Canadian regulators..Joe Bullish Approach(Rule) is NoT a longterm Solution

You do realise this is a Bullish-Bias Rule. Even if this rule were to be implemented in October like they say... for how long can it be sistainable. This means every single person needs to see a "profit" in a trade.... even the ones who would but WTG at 1.00$, 2.00$, 3.00$ ... where do we draw the line? .... Its to my opinion that these type of rules.... just like the "Quantitative Easing" Measures, Stimulus, are all Inflationary and are designed to FOOL the average Joe into more future inflation not just for us: but also our kids and kid's kids. Inflation and lots of it in the future.... FAR more SCARY than losing just a couple of thousands on a WTG trade. Were talking aobut changing the way things work here.... imho theyve gone too far, and one day someone will wish that they would have kept their mouth shut and reminiss on the good old days when Gold was still at 1500$ ; when it will be going up Far more to 3000-5000$ ; this of course all driven by Greed and rules to "Artificially Manniulate" entire Markets and Stocks Upwards.

As they alwaus say : the More they go UPUPUP the HARDER they will fall.

jd the professor

over 12 years ago
Re: Mature Minority Retail Shareholders // stop using NPV formula of Joe Bullish

Nows not the time to play the role of Joe Bullish who is going to start factoring in all the NPV formulas of Bullishness for WTG paper.

Fact is WTG has been in the worst slump in its trading career in the TSX. Investors/shareholders need to think and take objective action into trying to stop/minimize losses with WTG paper without thinking TOO Optimistic , which led to most following the Price all the way down from 2.00 to 6cents (this morning). JMHO.

jd the professor

over 12 years ago
Re: White Tiger Gold Appoints New Chief Executive Officer

Storm-man anything is possible with this stock.... i havent seen a stock perform this bad in such little period of time well..... never.

jd the professor has professsed the truth

over 12 years ago
Re: Documentation of the bull-trap

Bull-trap,,, at 20cents? lol what bullishness is there after going down from 2.60$ to 20cent area.... theres no Bullishness at all. Only Jan Bullish would think that WTG stock is in a Bull-Market of its own.

we have fallen so fast and so low in short period time that its really hard to imagine we go yet even more lower.

Didint you see Pope and Annonymous do all that buying thursday and friday?.... the same people who were doing alll the selling from 70cents to 20.

jd the professor

over 12 years ago
Re: Documentation of the bull-trap

Tigerman, I read it but very fast without doing any of my in-depth analysis on the news... so i cannot give a true valid opinion on it. however, have you read it in detail? if so explain if it was good or bad and what you think will happen monday morning?


jd the professor (hungover from drinking games yesterday)

over 12 years ago
Re: Documentation of the bull-trap

Tigerman whats the point of your post? Wouldnt it be something if were in the GREEn tomorrow because we are in fact more oversold than anything lately.

jd the prof

over 12 years ago
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