Poweredbyptk's Profile

Poweredbyptk's Posts

Re: Harassment - Re: New Communication Policy

Ahh no.... There should be a feeling of responsability to shareholders retail or otherwise. Thats the difference between public and private companies.

I like your suggestion though of becoming a "greater" at Walmart... you sound very smrt.

almost 8 years ago
New Communication Policy

Thats a shameful respnse from Tom Mika. Poet should be bending over backwards to answer questions and keep investors informed. What a joke.

Absolute ignorance. They have just gone from aweful to shameful.

almost 8 years ago
Price Action

Hello All. Long time long first time poster... 100K Shares held. I have been chippiing away every paycheck for like 4 years..lol

Thanks to all the amazing posters that contribute to this board. You know who you are.

Interesting watching the share action leading into news release... This is the first time I can remember the stock not running up in price the days prior to the release. Clearly the market is tired of managments inability to stay on one track and complete stated tasks as per timeline. Hopefully we will be pleasantly suprised by commentary or even better something concrete.

Although it is quite depressing looking at account statements these days what management has done sets us up for bigger and better things. One can only hope that the technology gets adopted as mainstream and these engineering tech nerds can actually get it together to get a product to market.

Good luck all.

almost 8 years ago
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