Polylabel's Profile

Getting to be an Old Timer

Polylabel's Posts

Re: Putting Together the Puzzle at Big Bear Mining

Extremely interesting, particularly

"Wayside was halted at $2.04 a share about two weeks before that tout appeared, StockWatch reported, losing ground after it reopened to end the year around 20 cents a share. The company, still led by Callaghan, recently reinvented itself as Barkerville Gold Mines (BGMZF.PK) and currently trades on foreign exchanges in Toronto and Germany – and on the unregulated “Grey Sheets” here in the U.S. – for less than $1 a share."

Does one really trust Callaghan given the quality of people he does business with?

over 14 years ago
Re: Impressive Drill Results

Well it might just be an early start because more results from underground sampling are at the lab and then late next month we may hear about tailings. Then of course the dirlling program starts.

Short term some nice money to be made but longer term we could finally see highs for the year. Depending of course upon Gold price but with the European Mess it's hard to see that falling apart anytime soon.

over 14 years ago
Re: New Bidder Competitor or it could be still CLF

Cliffs have been buying SPQ shares on the open market and could continue that up to a certain 'trigger' point which they may have reached. That 'trigger' point I'm not certain of but at some level of ownership they run into shareholder protection terms and maybe market oversight.

The most probable situation is they've upped their bid and until that's released SPQ has been halted. Just the simplest explaination not necessarily the real reason.

No question but Cliffs play hardball and will not pay more than they absolutely have to. They've hedged their bets right from the start saying they'd buy one or the other (SPQ/KWG) but not necessarily both. Paying over the odds for SPQ makes sense because then KWG comes a lot cheaper as it's value is then totally dependant upon Cliffs since who would want to spend money just to be told by Cliffs 'thats the way it will be done and since we have control you can 'lump it'.

over 14 years ago
What it might require

For FAU to gain ground is some news on 'new' exploration in addition to the reassaying and recompiling of existing data from earlier operations.

Don't get me wrong I think they are smart doing what they are and having smart people go over everything so an overall strategy of getting the most out of this deposit can be developed. It's even possible that when it's all done a major might decide to buy in.

The market however is just ignoring the great news that's being released when if it was a new set of holes maybe more attention could be gained. So far a case is being made that previous operators where just out of their depth and screwed up. I do like the way FAU is going about things but this is making for a long term hold rather than a fast buck.

over 14 years ago
Re: NEWS and the Market likes it

A month, near enough, since last poster. He and I might as well do emails back and forth since nobody else seems to care.

GCN has held very steady over past 4 weeks although volume never that high. The newer property is both accessible as well as covering an area others have exploration success in. Wouldn't even be surprised to find someone else wanting to buy in and spend required exploration money.

What we're all waiting for is some estimate of economic quantity from the proven up and inferred resources at Panoramic Ridge. Maybe a bit more info on the new zone wouldn't hurt either.

My but it would be awful nice to get back to the highs of two years ago.

over 14 years ago

I'll agree with you as it's hard to see what the company can do to create interest until they finish their review and update of resources. Everything they've come up with points to better than historical assumptions but the market doesn't seem to care.

Perhaps once everything is done they'll be able to drop 10 pounds of paper on an analyst's desk and get somebody independant to put some monster valuation on the table?

over 14 years ago
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