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PoetPower's Posts

Re: Final short form prospectus approved (Inthis BLackCloud-Reply)

Since InthisBlackCloud has quoted some of my past statements on this Forum, I thought I would do the same. Below is a collage of actual statements from this poster on Agoracom. Please read them and make your own opinion/decision as to whose posts you may want to think are credible and may be legit and what the motives are!

"Ive been lurking on this board"

"I'm not here to cause trouble so will resume lurking"

"Outstanding Share Count Up"

"I might be gloomy yet"

"I realize this is possibly an impossible queston to answer"

"Ive doubted my investment in Poet"

"A few months ago I posted negative comments"

"Are these statemets contradictory"

"I think I am missing something important"

"Judging by their reaction the market doesn't think so yet"

"My investing account still says this stock sounds loonie/looney tunes at best"

"Mob Mentality"

almost 8 years ago
Re: Final short form prospectus approved (Inthis BLackCloud-Reply)

Since InthisBlackCloud has quoted some of my past statements on this Forum, I thought I would do the same. Below is a collage of statemets that has been posted. Please read them and make your own assumpton as to whose posts you may want to think are credible and may be legit and what the motives are!

"Ive been lurkig on this board"

"I'm not here to cause trouble so will resume lurking"

"Outstanding Share Count Up"

"I might be gloomy yet"

"I realize this is possibly an impossible queston to answer"

"Ive doubted my investment in Poet"

"A few months ago I posted negative comments"

"Are these statemets contradictory"

"I think I am missing something important"

"Judging by their reaction the market doesn't think so yet"

"My investing account still says this stock souds loonie/looney tues at best"

"Mob Mentality"

almost 8 years ago
Re: Final short form prospectus approved (Inthis BLackCloud-Reply)

The Jury is stll out on all past Predictions-Dots...

Time will definately tell the Real Story

You may very well be eating your words very shortly......are you ready to look into the Mirror

What have you contributed to this Board, other than trying to cast doubt and doom and gloom, good luck with your motives.

I doubt we will see you in Vegas

almost 8 years ago
Re: Final short form prospectus approved

As of the date hereof the partners and associates of Bennett Jones LLP own, beneficially, directly or indirectly, less than 1% of any securities of the Corporation or any associate or affiliate of the Corporation.

This is Real Big if this frm is involved and even "Real Bigger" if they have taken a 1% stake out in Poet so Far...................................., The Big Boys Are Here.......take a real good look at this firm's credentails, the very very best that money can buy in Canada.

Just take a good look at this link below, the Magic Carpet Ride is about to Begin........."SOON"


almost 8 years ago
Re: Warrior's updated LinkedIn

What I realy like from Mr. Mohan's Linkedin profile are his Friends;

LC Chiu & Rob Wiliamson

Remember at the Townhall Meeting Ajit mentioning that the Board (Mohan included) is one of the hardest working boards he has ever been involved with.

I see his friends have a real zest/passion when it comes light and optics and getting things to market ?????????????????????????

And even have a few patents as well that may be reallly benificial to us moving forward.

Look into it, you may be very pleased with what you find.

Way too many "Masterfull Brillliant Minds" involved here for something that "May Not Happen"

Don't Ya Think??????????????????????


See you all in Vegas for Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


almost 8 years ago
Re: just a reminder to prepare yourselves, lets hope we dont have to worry

This post and thread should be removed immedately, this is totally false and is an outright lie.

I can't figure out these naysayers, they connstantly complain up and down when members try to logcally connect the dots postively and condem the actions however when they try to spin negative, false lies they think that it is good debate.

The Hub Leaders should start doing ther job and send these posters back to where they came from which we all know where that is. SH

almost 8 years ago
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