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Pizza's Posts

Re: Well the US road show is done

Turr wrote in part 'I am not quite clear on where the 'quanity' of shares are going to come from if these "big players" when they start to take an interest in POET.'

I suggest the Feb. warrant overhang will be the initial supply.

almost 9 years ago
Re: Anadigics VS BAE

Gigadigoo, we dont know. However, at the minimum, BAE were working on the VCSEL at 3", with a view to scaling to 6" wafers, as per April NR. The move to Anadigics looks to me just a part of the lab-fab transition, manufacturing commercial prototypes on a semi-commercial scale, on 6" wafers.

And while I am here, just a comment; I am surprised we have not had a month end update on the debt situation from Pinetree.

Also, I think today was the last trading day for Sept 7 warrants. Getting closer!

about 9 years ago
Indian PM in San Jose, Sept 26-27

I know, maybe too speculative on a day like today, a dot too far perhaps, apolgies if I offend raw nerves, but PM Modi is meeting with Silicon Valley execs Sept 26-27, as well as Indian diaspora. And we know we have an East Indian BOD with high level connections to US and Indian government.

We know India want to invest in new tech hubs and that Ajit is involved.

Just too coincidental to me. An involvement with Indian development and manufacturing would fit with PC's suggestion that the new BOD are taking POET beyond what was previously imagined possible.

about 9 years ago
Re: trade name

Hi Oogee,

Regarding Intel and POET, I received this link in the Spring and POET had a hyperlink TM logo next to it and it was from Intel.

Unfortunately, the link goes to the generic website so I do not know if the PR has been saved anywhere. The link below is pasted from my email inbox.

Any ideas to trace this?

about 9 years ago
Re: trade name

Interesting thought,

something that was brought to my attention in the Spring was that Intel already has a claim on the POET trademark,

see here,

Could POET be involved in a trademark battle with Intel? IR might know I suppose. I have not asked.

about 9 years ago
Re: Another 317,100 shares issued

Disagree Pizapizza1000

We have had approximately 50m shares added to the float in the last 18-20 monthes or so and the SP has held up very nicely while the large overhang has been absorbed.

Last year the SP run up was eventually crushed by warrants. That is all done now except for a few stragglers. A string of positive NR and we will not need a RS. No idea why you mention such a thing :)

Today's share issue could be options from LP perhaps? Is he still on the payroll or does he have to exercise now? If so, this could be the reason for the National Bank/Cannacord selling to pay for options? Just a thought. Not something I track.

(The real) Pizza!

about 9 years ago
Gulf Islands
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