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Re: explanation?

I'm still wondering where those last 10 holes are that were drilled last fall. Would be nice to get a release even if they were all duds.

Last I heard from Sasha was "They are being complied at the moment. Once all the data has been analyzed in context with other work that is ongoing they will be released" - March 13, 2013.


"I cannot add anything to what I previously told you. Some of the data has been exceedingly slow to come back." - April 17, 2013

about 11 years ago
Re: Letter to the President

I do think that we need more information regarding the future of our company, but what was previously said isn't really the whole truth.

Please see the following from the MDA:

As at December 31, 2012 the Company’s cash and cash equivalents were $772,284. Management and the Board of Directors are actively involved in the review, planning and approval of significant expenditures and commitments. The Company has access to sufficient funds to meet its current and foreseeable financial requirements that are due less than thirty (30) days. The Company has a net working capital sufficient to meet the commitment to spend $344,585 in qualifying exploration expenditures by December 31, 2013, as a result of the issuance of flow-though shares during 2012.

At this point, we don't need to raise any money to fulfill all of our commitments for 2013. While additional money, plans of a merger or a joint venture would likely help our company. We aren't in immanent danger... yet. In addition, we have enough money to spend $344,585 on exploration. With that said, we will need additional financing by the end of this year to keep things going in 2014 and we need a more concrete plan regarding what our options are.

Best Regards,


over 11 years ago
Re: 10 Holes

Drilling was completed before Christmas. Going on 3 months for processing, assays and reporting. I e-mailed Sasha earlier in the week. Usually he is quick to respond, but I haven't heard anything back yet. Could be in a blackout?

over 11 years ago
Re: President's Letter to Shareholders

Before this starts becoming credible I think that the executive team need to start buying shares. If Frank thinks this company has a future he needs to put a little more on the line to prove it.

over 11 years ago
Re: Nice to see the mini-mill discussion re-emerge

Just to put this in perspective, 7 t/day at 5g/t would only be 35g per day, therefore just over one oz. I think we'd need a bigger operation than this to justify the effort. The mini-mill idea has always been one that interests me, but I think the minimum would have to be 200 t/day to make it worthwhile.

Price tag on larger machines?

over 11 years ago
Before you consider signing the petition...

you want to know who you are working with.


I do personally agree with a few things in the letter, but I will not be signing the petition. While I wasn't able to get a straight answer, based on my conversation with Sasha I expect that Golden Hope will be releasing a formal response to the letter.

over 11 years ago
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