Pindundrjeep911's Profile

Pindundrjeep911's Posts

Level 2

Hi All,

Does anyone have level 2? How are the bids and asks looking this morning? Thoughts on potential trade volume...



almost 10 years ago
Re: My thoughts/opinions on why CUU is down

"There are other oppourtunities out there rather than waiting it out here." Couldn't agree more! I have watched some great companies skyrocket in the energy sector (international), but didn't want to pull the trigger in fear of missing out here...murphy's law.

I haven't posted in a while but been lingering in the shadows reading every post. Other than the Jr. Mining sector is in shambles, CUU still has a number of catalysts before a production decision is made (big catalyst). We have Teck's optimization, enviro, and who knows what else...

Question to the board...does anyone have a rough time frame as to when Teck may have the optimization study completed? Also, if they complete it, will they release the info to CUU shortly after?



about 10 years ago

Being from Alberta I'm pleased that the BC Liberals have a majority. It will be interesting to see how the markets react to the stability knowing that not much will change with regards to regulation of business and taxes etc... Alberta was significantly hurt a few years back when our leader decided messing with the royalty regime was the right thing to do...couldnt have been more wrong with the evidence of lost jobs. Looking forward to the next few weeks of trading.

Good luck to all!


over 11 years ago
Re: What's Next. - Don't look at it.

Hoghead - Don't they have a legal obligation to the shareholders to release this information? If any offer is tendered on our company, this seems to be material information by definition? I can't see them keeping this on the down low. They can reject it sure, but not tell?

This is a fair question...from my experience the answer is no, they dont have to tell. I work for a mid-cap oil and gas company and have been through a sales process. All negotiations were silent. I found out after the fact that a few lowball offers were tendered but not accepted by the board of directors and executive. To this day I still have no idea what price per share was offered.


over 11 years ago
Re: News

Prospect - They appear to have been reviewing this for some time already so they must be down to the fine print and close to making their decision.

I agree! The end-game could come tomorrow or by the end of the 120 day period it's anybody's guess. It's just a little frustrating when you put a investing game plan together with contingencies for excessive time but things get a little out of control. I just want to see this timeframe not be extended past a reasonable limit. I could handle 130 or even 140 problem. I'm just banging my fat cranium against my keyboard right now cuz 2 of my Jr. Oil companies have been rocketing nicely for the past year. Time Value of Money is kicking me hard right now...but I digress. Thanks for the replies Stockfriend, Prospect et al.


over 11 years ago
Re: News

Stockfriend - "It was at that point that he said if Teck needs 121 days instead of 120 that that would be just fine by him.

This statement from Elmer does touch a few nerves with me. We all know in the past that he had said he wanted to get Teck on the clock...but what is the point of having a countdown clock if it is not finite? If the bomb squad doesnt disarm a device before the timer hits zero there is no "just give me 5 more minutes". We have all been excited for so long about the 120 day clause. What is stopping 121 days from turning into 130, or 180, or 250 days to "build the relatonship"? Not trying to be a downer here but those are words that I didnt want to hear.

I've been here for 3 years and I think the relationship between CUU and Teck should be solid by now. Is there anything stopping the possibility if this dragging out? I have always been under the impression that if Teck didnt act within the 120 period to SH satisfaction that CUU would be open to bids? Cheers to all the longs...great discussion today!


over 11 years ago
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