Pi106's Profile

Pi106's Posts


Does anyone know what happens now? Can the tribunal proceed with only 2 members? Does a new (third) member have to be appointed? If 3 members are required, are we looking at a prolonged period of approval of the new member and then allowing enough time for that person to familiarize themselves with the case?

almost 11 years ago

Thank you for your time and effort, it is appreciated.

almost 11 years ago

Thank you for your time and effort, it is appreciated.

almost 11 years ago
Re: ICSID Update and suspension.

I imagine that if the motion to disqualify the judge fails, that Venezuela can then appeal that decision. Then of course, they can seek to disqualify another judge etc etc. Truly, no honor among thieves. How is their appropriation of natural resources for the people of Venezuela going so far? Producing a lot of gold are they?

almost 11 years ago
Re: Hello no bear

Thank You. Regarding your dog avatar, I want to say......That is NO bear!

almost 11 years ago
Hello no bear

Are you aware of any legalities which might cause US shareholders to be treated less favorably than Canadian shareholders regarding a future stttlement?

Thanks in advance

almost 11 years ago
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