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Pepi's Posts

Re: Tyhee ContinĂșes To Interest TerraX

Sale Big Sky? What we need first is for management to give us a realistic update regarding where they are at currently and estimates for the short and long term. I can't remember the last time that something positive was achieved?

over 8 years ago
No news

Care to speculate as to why Tyhee's stock price continues to fall while Sutter's has remained stable at 0.08??

Why hasn't there been any announcements or updates concerning financing?


almost 10 years ago
Re: Miners Will Be Up 100%- 150% In Next 3-4 Months. So, Buy Now!

Aliblaba, I am with you on this one. All that we have seen so far is dilution, promises and no results. What has this management group done for the stock holder? It has been so long that I have lost sight and trust..


almost 10 years ago
Tyhee and Sutter Gold - Any news?

Does anyone know what is going on with Tyhee and Sutter? Is this deal dead? Very dissapointing and dammaging if it is. What do you think??

almost 10 years ago
Tyhee Financing and Sutter Gold

Does anyone have an update as to what is going on with the financing and Sutter Gold? Is it not tomorrow the due date?

almost 10 years ago
Too quiet

I have an order to buy a block of stock for tyhjf for the past two weeks or so at a price higher than current market price and the order has not closed. It is frustrating having such a low volume. Several other orders have gone thru at lower prices since my order.

about 10 years ago
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