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Re: Things to Watch - Probe PEA

"Can I eloborate"...

I'll keep it brief:

  • Proximity to the lake

  • Fish habitat - Borden Lake is an excellent fishing hole

  • Containing/treating acid mine drainage

  • native issues

These are things which can delay, drive up costs, or halt mine development. If these issues are not identitied early enough, will change cost and production assumptions.

The market will be looking for this.

over 11 years ago
Re: Things to Watch - Probe PEA

Other things to consider:

The met recoveries and flow sheet. This will impact revenues/margins, capex costs, and operating cost.


The project is environmentally sensitive (it may never get approved for mining). The PEA should address/consider these factors; otherwise it is worthless.

over 11 years ago
Re: lots of new holes

No, REC is a waste of time. At least for now

over 11 years ago
Re: Honey hole on property boundary?

I have address this issue before. There is no more room to drill to the SE (i.e. Section 1300m, and points SE), except to go on the ice.

The honey pot may lie beneath the Lake.

over 11 years ago
Reaction to News

The reaction to todays should help to stabilize the down slide, but it can continue as long as seller continue to overwhelm the buyers.

The results are as expected, and I think most folks are waiting for some 'ice action' to see whether this baby continues. Then we will have both an open pit and underground mine.

This will be a game changer.

over 11 years ago
Re: What's an Economical Grade?

I don't understand the point your trying to make by providing the Gransburg example. The Gransburg is a poly metallic mine. The orebody was part of a mountain.

Probe's high grade core is a good thing, but as you go south, it gets deeper. At some point the stripping ratio will not allow economic extraction.

The PEA will give us some indication of the cut-off point.

over 11 years ago
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