PassionateIgnorance's Profile

PassionateIgnorance's Posts



almost 8 years ago
Re: Thought for today

I vote for Mack as our Comedian/Strategist.

almost 8 years ago
Re: IF, and I mean IF...

I'm in agreement. Sell some if one needs cash. Why walk with everything when the company is well recognized at a hit?

about 8 years ago
IF, and I mean IF...

If Apple is interested in POET, and there is potential for near term production, then they would not tell us now...nor would there be any hints. The rules of planned obsolescence dictate that they sell as many 7s as possible before announcing the high speed, low battery cost upgrade that is the POET powered iphone 8. My hopes are pinned on spring news.

about 8 years ago
The sad reality

My best friend struggled for years with a lumber mill he bought in 2007. Soon after the purchase the lumber industry began to suffer as the economic collapse was underway.

A couple of years ago we were on my boat discussing our dreams for a successful future. We contemplated scuba diving boat trips to areas unknown, two successful guys with money and time enjoying well earned vacations. I mentioned POET to him, explaining that POET's success could be our success. It was our secret path to alternate financial success, our glimmer of hope in an otherwise challenging story. And so his wait began...

July of this year my friend passed away, suddenly. The sad thing about his passing, besides the fact that he was young, a father and husband, was the fact that he was never able to realize the dream of successful freedom.

Although I am in this for the long haul, it saddens me that the can keeps getting kicked down the road. My friend was just another story in the wake of POET's dates and promises. I truly believe in POET and look forward to our 'big day', I only wish it came sooner, for the sake of my friend.

about 8 years ago
Re: Down to 0.80...

Someone is just sick of waiting for this dog to hunt. I get that. I think we all get that. This could be some person for whom it is only 1% of his / her portfolio. As I've said before here and to all of my family, friends and clients...none of this matters. All that matters is launch day.

about 8 years ago
West Vancouver
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