Panning4Gold's Profile

Panning4Gold's Posts

Re: It seems that we finally getting out

Agreed ! I don't feel like it's over yet. There was so much potential here. Hoping things will work out eventually for all of us shareholders.

over 8 years ago
Re: What's Up??

When ?

Humm... nobody knows...

about 9 years ago
Re: Golden Hope Proposes a Share Consolidation to its Shareholders

As I remember, Frank C did pretty well, bringing the stock price from 0.12 to 0.93 in 2010. I was really impress. Please do it again!

But we all know that the price of Gold has been hammered since 2011. Same with the majority of Gold junior exploration companies. This present mood is everywhere right now.

If Gold would find a bottom price and start to rebound, a new wave of investors could come back pretty quick.

Time to buy low or even much lower and wake the hell up when it's high and time to sell some.

Otherwise, we open ourselves to all kind of market weakness.

over 10 years ago
Winter blues...

Just letting everyone know that I appreciate reading this board.

We all know that we are in the middle of the freezing icy winter season out here.

Hopefully things will start to heat up on our way to warmer months.

Keeping a close eye on GDXJ and the Gold prices.

I heard someone saying that Gold should be around $12,000.00 US an Oz

You got to be kidding me lol

Will see what happens in 2014...

It would be nice to start an underground mine where they hit that sweet spot in 2012...


over 10 years ago
Quebec City
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