Palimaniac's Profile

Palimaniac's Posts

Volume Low

60,000 shares = $.60

All the excitement is missing from NOT.

It's been a long time coming ,the cusp of greatness.

Anybody think this will go lower than .58 ?

Might be time to buy more to average down ,if I do buy more it will be with my nose plugged.

about 13 years ago
Re: You can almost bank on the sp of a ....

Hey rosbg ,I see see you joined March 10 ... I admire your belief and I would love to see it launch as you say. I 've been here longer than I wanted to be and have heard terms like "coiled spring ready to let go" "rocket ready to launch" "Time to load up as the train is leaving the station""Can't change what's in the ground" "wake me up at $20.00" "keep the faith""Yada Yada"

I hope you are right and don't want to offend you or anyone on this board but I am so jaded by the whole manipulation black boxs hedge funders rose coloured glasses theories I had to say something.

Still looong still holding the bag.

over 13 years ago
Re: What to say...what to say

Say all those things but "window dress" it up a bit so that it looks good.

over 13 years ago
Re: Talked with Wes !!

Thank You for sharing.

Going from what I learned from the Agm I took the liberty to have some fun with his "Words"

"Sooner than weeks" is that like "On the cusp"

"Things are looking very positive" But looks are decieving.

How many drills ? "No comment" I'm sorry if I am ignorant here but is this some secret... not being a geo guy I might be missing something.

"Partly not all" well this is open to your imagination ,in a court of law ,partly could mean 99%

"Some great looking targets" there He goes again with how they look ,teasing me again.

Buddy I'm "looking" at a not so great sp ... thats a fact Wes.

I don't mean to offend ,I paid my money ,you know I'll never sell at a loss. I'll state my case.

Long in the tooth holding the bag

but sticking around.

over 13 years ago
Re: Worthless

Really .... You really think so ... Worthless.

Friday Fantasy time ... Say Wes goes on that CBC show "The Dragons Den" with a five minuet presentation, graphs, cores, bring in RN as a sidekick the whole spiel.

Do you think any of the Dragons would shake hands with Wes and RN?

over 13 years ago
Re: AAHHH--just the usual friday daytrader pushup---

You might have to eat your words :)

almost 14 years ago
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