PVLee's Profile

PVLee's Posts

Re: Zenith Capital Corp - Name?

When/if Zenith Ltd. starts spinning out companies from their 1500 compounds and Zenith Capital starts collecting the royalties...what better name to have...and what else will they do with all that money? Jmho

about 8 years ago
Re: Short interest up a tad to 33,500.....Hmmmmmm

Thanks...I do know what rrsp stands for. Perhaps what I'm calling an unregistered rsp is what you refer to as an open. I've been through the exercise you described...so the answer seems to be NO...you can't transfer stocks from an rrsp to a TFSA in kind.
I don't mind you jumping in. You've just confirmed what I was told by TDWaterhouse.

about 8 years ago
Re: Short interest up a tad to 33,500.....Hmmmmmm

Hi Golfyeti.
TD Waterhouse told me I had to sell my stocks first because any money going to my TFSA had to come from my chequing account. They offered me the option to pick my price but said I could only transfer stocks in kind from an unregistered rrsp. Does that sound right to you? I have nothing but losses in my rrsps now so I'd love to be able to move them into my TFSA.
It sounds like you know a lot about this so I'd appreciate your comments. Thanks!

about 8 years ago

Hi Bear,
Aren't the patients involved in these trials ones who no longer respond to currently available drugs for prostate cancer? If so, results should be available fairly quickly by virtue of those patients hopefully still being with us. What puzzles me is why the dosing of ZEN3694 alone first? I guess these patients are taken off enzalutamide if it's determined that it no longer has any effect?

over 8 years ago
Re: Differences of Opinion

San Fran, I can't help but think that if the share price was higher now, you all would be even more frustrated, given the fact that you can't trade them now anyway.

I guess I'm beating my own horse here...with successful results we will definitely have a brighter future ahead. Didn't Don say something like with successful results, the floodgates will open!?

Is it possible that the delay in the reorg is because they have a deal already, pending good results? I think Don already painted that picture of Zenith becoming "a base station from which various partnerships and companies can spawn". He has said there could be more spinoffs in the future...hopefully done in the same manner as Zenith was spunoff from RVX. The way I look at it, these Zenith shares are a bonus...and it seems more and more likely, they will be HUUUGGE!

I'm sure the big boys are just as anxious for this to work out our way as well. As hard as it is, more patience is required from us peons. jmho


over 8 years ago
Re: Genentech/Roche BET inhibitor toxicity paper

I doubt they missed it...more likely deliberately declined to mention it.

over 8 years ago
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