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Re: TPL BK Pacers - interesting part ....

Actually, direct influence. He owns the company.

about 10 years ago
Re: TPL BK Pacers - interesting part

Well, what happened between 2010 and 2013? What's the excuse for those years? It doesn't wash, period. They might as well blame sunspots or global warming for their business incompetence and negligence.

Litigation will produce some results, but don't expect Alliacense to hold up their end. They get to cream 20% off the top for doing nothing, which is exaclty what they want to do. There's nothing that PTSC can do about it as long as the PDS / Alliacense agreement is in place, IMO.

about 10 years ago
Re: The most frustrating aspect of this ongoing fiasco...

Alliacense hasn't performed since 2009. They've been on a downward path, nosedive, actually, since then.

All they had to do over this past year and a half in order to maintain control over the portfolio and TPL was bring in about $10M per year, and Lekcrone would have sailed through the BK in flying colors. Yet, they couldn't do it. If they could a, they would a.

They have no answers. All they want to do is rely on litigaiton so they can cream their percentage off the top for doing nothing. Read the PTSC 10K regarding the Alliacense / PDS agreement.

If you want MMP to start making money again, you have to first get rid of Alliacense, IMO.

about 10 years ago
Motion to extend Time

It appears Leckrone & Co need "more time" to get their disclosure statement out, as I've just checked Pacer. Looks like Moore is filing opposition. These guys have had more delays and extensions than anything else. They don't want a successful Ch 11 Plan. They want a failed Ch 7 Plan, IMO. They need to get something done or get out of the way.

What I don't understand is what the creditor committee is doing about this. Can't they see that they're getting played?

Hopefully the judge will see through the ruse and blow them out.

about 10 years ago
Re: By default, PTSC will be opposed to the Moore plan...

If Alliacense remains, they hold all the cards. The PDS agreement with Alliacense from 2012 allows Alliacense to break the agreement EXCLUSIVELY. PDS and PTSC have no way to break the commercialization agreement without Alliacense consent. It doesn't matter how poorly they perform, which is something they are well versed at. I suggest you check your 10K filings and the Debtor disclosure statement to see if I'm correct.

The BK court can nullify the Alliacense agreement, which is what Moore wants to do. Alliacense is the key. Get rid of Alliacense, and you get rid of Leckrone.

What I don't understand is why PTSC didn't use this leverage to come up with something better than the Joint Plan. All they've managed to do is negotiate a worse agreement than the two before it!

about 10 years ago
Re: Palace Entertainment Purchases MMP Portfolio™ License

Well, before anyone starts rushing to the bank, think about what we're talking about here. Amusement parks? Really? We must be talking about a few thousand video games at least!

You need a lot of infringing units in order for a license to be worth anything worth counting.

This is Leckrone window dressing, pure and simple. But the good news is it appears they are rattled by the Moore Plan. That plan will bring in real money. This can't even qualify as pocket change. Hell, they probable made the deal in Amusement Park tokens. . .

The fact that PTSC management sent out the release should tell you where they stand. But the folks on this site still have a voice. . .

about 10 years ago
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