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Orlon6's Posts

Re: Summer Street

Onto, I looked at their previous statements on MNKD and found nothing noteworthy. They have no rating on the company and appear to be non committal, but yet have suspicions on the data. A few months ago the trials appeared to look good and approval by the FDA probable, now they are all over SA.

about 11 years ago
Re: Summer Street

So why the suspicions that MNKD did not adequately address the third arm of the study?

about 11 years ago
Summer Street

I just looked at the Summer Street Capital Partners web site and was not overly impressed. They appear to me to be a venture capitalist limited partner organization with $500 million (or so they say) under management with no apparent interest in Mannkind. So I wonder who, what, and why, such a small organization would put out a hit statement when someone with the ability to read a transcript could easily answer their question on the medtone/gen2 comparison. Just added another "known." No one in this game is on the up and up!

about 11 years ago
Knowns and unknowns

Haven't posted for a while but have been following this board as well as some of the more rational posts over at Yahoo. This sums up what I know and don't know about this stock: I don't know if anything has been actually figured into today's stock price; I don't know if there is or is not a partner on the horizon; I do not know if the pps will jump after the Affinity results are published; I don't know if the results will be wildly positive; I don't know if there will be a large jump in pps as the company nears submission of the NDA. What I do know: My niece is a type 1 diabetic who has been injecting insulin six times a day for the past twenty years and hates it; I have several friends, all in their sixties, who have been injecting insulin for a number of years and they resent the fact that modern medicine has done nothing to change the delivery method; I know there are some ancillary companies who would like to see this fail...think needle manufacturing for one; and I know the stock is being manipulated by Market Makers and propgandists (for lack of a better word) as option expiration nears...almost like clockwork.

I realize the company has let the stockholders down on more than one occasion, but the science from I understand is good, and the benefits great to diabetics. However, if the FDA can be manipulated as some have suggested in the past, into delaying approval or issuing another CRL, and the company has to fold their tent and go home, selling off some of their assets, the only real loser will be the type1 and type 2 diabetics. As I stated on the Yahoo board, the score would be: Big Money 1, People 0.

about 11 years ago
Re: Here we go again,a new hit piece...

Just a thought on credibility. Brian Wilson, Adam Feuerstein, David Kliff, do not appear to have any hands on scientific training or skill in the background they write about. .Kliff I believe said he was a money manager turned medical investigator after he was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and declares himself an expert at age 36. Wilson and Feurerstein are journalists who 'specialized' in healthcare, and although Macaluso has a PHd in chemistry, he chooses to analyze healthcare companies rather than use his background in chemistry to investigate causes and cures in the healthcare field. The 'guru' who the last piece in Seeking Alpha obviously has no medical or scienfific training and declares himself a casual invesor. My point is this: When you look at their CV's either collectively or invidually, they don't hold a candle to that of Al Mann, yet they are all eager to attack his company and research. It's also interesting that they all declare not to own now nor plan to own any MNKD stock. So why go out of their way to attack a company?

over 11 years ago
Re: Behold

My congrats as well. You raised the professionalism of this board along with Brentie and others. Good to see!

over 11 years ago
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