Orange Flash's Profile

Retired, investment goal: set up nest eggs for great-grandchildren.

Orange Flash's Posts

Re: White Tiger Announces Default by Century Mining Corporation Under Forward Gold..

That's an interesting puzzle, nt -- if the original NI 43-101 was legit, how did the mine get so debased? And so quickly? I'm now wondering if it wasn't the Russians that got taken to the cleaners, notwithstanding their modus operandi could lead one to believe them capable of any iniquity.

Maybe Peggy is checking her Bank Book with glee now that the game is over.

over 12 years ago
Re: Jesus!

nt300 -- how does that work? if booted from the TSX, why would they let WTG onto the Venture? What are you basing this contention on?

Others have said we would be relegated to the pink sheets.

over 12 years ago
Re: Ring Of Fire

Yes, he looks familiar -- and the whole video is VERY familiar, parallelling as it does my experence over the past few years with Noront in the Ring of Fire! Sorry, I couldn't resist.

over 12 years ago
Re: Pondering and looking for feedback .....

Muddy, you should think twice before going there. They've stopped making Ladas, you know.

over 12 years ago
Re: Who and why is Anon dumping? Anyone?

Based on the price, this is a fabulous opportunity to buy.

Management must realize that with today's market sentiment, no matter how impressive the RE is, it wil have little impact. Could they be dragging their heals hoping for a change in sentiment that would give the RE that much more bang?

If this is the case, I would take it as one more indication, since Management has access to much more info than I do, that our time of suffering may be coming to an end. I certainly hope so. Don't they say "every cloud has a silver lining"?


over 12 years ago
Re: Question from new kid on the block

Intriguing handle: "tequillarose" -- welcome to the Noront forum. Yes, there is wheat amongst the chaff, so hope you will stick around -- we need discriminating posters.

Best wishes!


over 12 years ago
Orange Flash
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