Operations1's Profile

Do what you fear most ! Tyhee predicted to be 0.37 on Sept 24.

Operations1's Posts

Notice of Special Meeting of Stockholders (2016 Jan 19) - Comments??

Recentlly received a stockholders notice on the right to vote on the company proposal of "" Approve the issuance of shares of the Company's Common Stock upon the conversion of a Senior Convertible Note in favour of the Company's stockholder The Sentinent Group."

Would someone please put some comments / opinions on this site for those like myself wondering what this vote means to us down the proverbial road. Thanks.

almost 9 years ago
Re: Golden Minerals Appoints General Manager For Velardena

Moving forward, I predict positive SP movemnet with this appointment. Let's hope we get some sweeping changes in a hurry. Golden Minerals has been battered way too long, but has not given up the fight. Let's go Velardena...

almost 10 years ago
Chamber of Commerce business lunch on Feb 25,

Arianne Phosphate: A project creating wealth through the responsible development of natural resources

arianneSAGUENAY, QC, Feb. 25, 2014 – At a Saguenay Chamber of Commerce business lunch today, Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton publicly shared the highlights of the analysis of the Lac à Paul mining project it conducted for Arianne Phosphate (TSX VENTURE: DAN) (FRANKFURT: JE9N) (OTCBB: DRRSF).

Given the project’s size and its impact on economic growth in Quebec, Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton CEO Emilio B. Imbriglio was present for the report’s release. “This project will create wealth. And that’s what Quebec needs and must have to thrive. We have to develop our natural resources in a responsible and environmentally friendly manner. This project meets these requirements. Our society needs powerful development tools to spur growth, and Arianne Phosphate’s project is truly such a tool,” stated Mr. Imbriglio.

Saguenay office partner Éric Dufour, who also took part in the presentation, further pointed out that “rarely does a project like this one come along—a project that delivers a lasting impact and spinoffs of over $12 billion, that entails hiring more than 500 direct workers a year during construction and that then creates over 1,400 direct and indirect jobs for the more than 25-year lifetime of the mine. No doubt about it—this is a crucial project for our region!”

The analysis released at the lunch confirmed that Arianne Phosphate’s Lac à Paul mine project will be the biggest investment in the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean region in the past decade. It will have a huge impact, raising average worker income in the region and boosting collective wealth while adding to the ranks of mining subcontractors, as well as diversifying the regional economy beyond the traditional logging and aluminum sectors. In addition to attracting new residents and a talented workforce with special expertise, the project will also generate new opportunities for educational institutions.

Arianne Phosphate’s Chief Operating Officer, Jean-Sébastien David, who was also in attendance, answered questions from the business people present. He said that he was proud that Lac à Paul was a major project for the economic development of the region and of Quebec. “Arianne Phosphate is working with all stakeholders, including First Nations, to make sure that the project will help our communities to grow and become even more competitive. As a responsible company, we want strong, sustainable growth for our society, in consultation with local communities. That is why we are committed to building a key project that the region and Quebec will be proud of,” said Mr. David.

Brian Kenny, President and CEO of the mining company, underlined that the project is creating quality jobs in the region. “Our Chicoutimi head office already has more than 25 people working to develop this world class project, and this number is constantly increasing.” He added that he is proud that Arianne’s Lac à Paul project is Quebecbased. ”Quebec is recognized for its mining expertise. Arianne Phosphate is very happy to be able to count on this expertise while taking the project through development stages to production of its high quality phosphate concentrate,” concluded Mr. Kenny.

About Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton

Founded in 1948, Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton (www.rcgt.com) is a leader in the fields of assurance, tax, consulting services, and business recovery and reorganization. Its strength is based on a team of almost 2,400 people, including some 230 partners in more than 100 offices in Quebec, eastern Ontario, and New Brunswick. For the past 30 years, Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton has been a member of Grant Thornton International Ltd, providing clients with the expertise of the member and correspondent firms in more than 100 countries.

About Arianne Phosphate

Arianne Phosphate (“Arianne Phosphate Inc.”) (www.arianne-inc.com) is developing the Lac à Paul phosphate deposits located approximately 200 km north of the Saguenay/Lac St. Jean area of Quebec, Canada. These deposits will produce a high quality igneous apatite concentrate grading 39% POwith little or no contaminants. The Company has 85.2 million shares outstanding.

over 10 years ago
CZN at PDAC 2014. Share your observations


Canadian Zinc Corporation will be at The Prospectors And Developers Association of Canada Convention

Their Booth #2727
Sunday March 2 - Wednesday March 5

At the Toronto 2014 PDAC
International Convention
Trade Show And Investors Exchange

Exhibitors Floor

Metro Toronto Convention Centre, South Building
March 2- 5, 2014

Anyone from this forum going?? Why not share your observations if you do go. Thanks.

over 10 years ago
February 20th AUM “warrants” will expire…..worthless.

February 20th AUM “warrants” will expire…..worthless.

Has purchasing “warrants” in this company been a good investment?? Not for me. However, answer yourself these facts before jumping to conclusions on buying them yourself. A stock “warrant” is just like a stock option because it gives you the right to purchase a company's stock at a specific price and at a specific date. However, a stock “warrant” differs from an option in two key ways:

1) A stock “warrant” is issued by the company itself.New shares are issued by the company for the transaction. Unlike a stock option, a stock “warrant” is issued directly by the company. When a stock option is exercised, the shares usually are received or given by one investor to another; when a stock “warrant” is exercised, the shares that fulfill the obligation are not received from another investor, but directly from the company.

2) Companies issue stock “warrants” to raise money. When stock options are bought and sold, the company that owns the stocks does not receive any money from the transactions. However, a stock “warrant” is a way for a company to raise money through equity (stocks).

A stock “warrant” is a smart way to own shares of a company because a “warrant” usually is offered at a price lower than that of a stock option. Was owning “warrants” in ECU / AUM a smart idea? The longest term for an option is two to three years, while a stock “warrant” can last for up to 15 years. So, in many cases, a stock “warrant” can prove to be a better investment than a stock option if mid- to long-term investments are what you seek. I was seeking a mid to long investment in ECU “warrants” and got burned.

I will definitely think again on any investment in “warrants” because of this blunder. The tide will turn in ten days and let us hope like the old mariners aphorism says a “rising tide lifts all boats”. This saying of course is associated with the idea that improvements in the general economy will benefit all participants in that economy. Silver and gold miners are on the cusp of rising again. It’s time to benefit.

Golden Minerals -- We shareholders all hope you have a much better three years than the last three,,,,warrants or no warrants!!

over 10 years ago
Sarnia, Ontario CANADA
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