Oddish's Profile

Oddish's Posts

Re: SHoot the horse with the broken leg!!

Do horses have humps?

over 13 years ago
Re: News Release...hold onto your hats.

A news release...finally. This should move the stock UP. Wait a minute! The stock is still halted.

over 13 years ago
Re: WWF to issue update

Howdy Pardner! Just trying to bring some levity to the board, seeing that this POS has been in the doldrums since....2-3 eons ago. It gets boring waiting, waiting and waiting for MF to show up.

over 13 years ago
Re: WWF to issue update

Wow! If there's some truth to the rumour(s), the guy must be moving around fast. Hope the camel has strong legs.

over 13 years ago
Re: WWF to issue update

This message was posted on March 04. MF was to issue a statement "shortly". That was 13 days ago. Apparently, the rumour is that MF has since joined the liberation army in Lybia to defend Ras Lanuf's oil reservoirs or what's left of them. Any truth to this?

over 13 years ago
Re: Winfield and Bouvier Defont

These two corps seem to be cut from the same cloth...or should I say trash?

over 13 years ago
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