Nytebyter's Profile

Nytebyter's Posts

Re: Skin in the game

My thoughts too; financially and professionally, these folks have done quite well for themselves, thank you, and will likely do even better once this company comes into its own through their stewardship. Perhaps they, especially the older ones, see no point in buying more shares when they are about to be handsomely rewarded soon by what they already have anyway.

Sadly, some people actually believe there’s no point in striving to accrue infinitely more wealth than one will ever possibly spend anyway, and appreciate the little things in life (poor misguided sods).

over 8 years ago
Re: Acclerating time to product

Perhaps clever, nefarious negativity by a more sophisticated basher is, paradoxically, just another positive sign…?

over 8 years ago
Re: What is the big deal? why SP is still so low.

Thanks, for pointing that out.

over 8 years ago
Re: What is the big deal? why SP is still so low.

It’s low, IMHO of course, because despite the great news, accompanying statements such as “…its first product and demonstrate this prototype by the end of 2016,” projects that irrefutable news, an NRE and/or a significant partnership is still some ways down the TRAB road. So they, traders, can sell at an initial NR prompted SP peak and buyback after they walk it down the hill. In short, they know they have a window of opportunity because they’ve been tacitly told so.

BTW, a few people on this forum have revealed they too hold trading positions so they can make lemonade while they wait for the Champaign to chill (in my case, ginger ale).

over 8 years ago
Re: Insider selling

Also, consider the man’s age. As a senior he’s well aware that he will not live forever; todays become more important than tomorrows as we age (at least, they should!). So why not take a miniscule amount of potential off the table to invest in a sure thing, the actual moment, instead of riding everything on future returns, albeit possibly even more returns, if the investment comes to fruition, than you could ever possibly hope to utilize anyway?

over 8 years ago
Re: Slightly concerned

Let me preface the following by stating that I believe in balance in all things, including what’s posted on this forum.

What truly amazes me about this company is its shear tenacity. It went to the brink and clawed its way back to a pretty solid footing, which demonstrates that POET passionately believes in its own potential. Otherwise, it would have fallen over the edge.

almost 9 years ago
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