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Re: Here is what I think :) My 2 Cents :)

These Claims were Amalgameted 1027426 1027655 1027656 1029337 and Claim "Eagle Eye 1027426" had the expiry of 2016/apr/11. It does not appear that assessment work was applied to these claims to move the Almalgamated date forward. Unless it was filed at not recorded , who knows! We will see said the Wizard

over 8 years ago
Re: Here is what I think :) My 2 Cents :)

This is the BC Government Link as it relates to " amalgamated claims ". Assessment Work must be done on the claims that lapse the soonest, to move the Forfeiture date forward "prior to " Amalgamation. That only makes sense as why lose work credits on the main claims .


over 8 years ago
Re: Here is what I think :) My 2 Cents :)


The Mineral Tenure Act is very clear. It was good to refresh my old prospector memory. My original comment was that the remining lapsed claims within the lapsed footprint are " Not Available " This is for a reason, be it Procedural ? or Related to the issue ?

The Mineral Tenure Act is very clear. You Snooze zzzzzzzzzzz You Lose zzzzzzzzzzzzz

The Amalgamation Date set to the earliest claim I was not aware of. They had lots of assessment work credits and could easily have moved the Forfeit Date. Alternatively not merged the cells, as why lose assessment work credits.


over 8 years ago
Re: Claims

Stock Halt? Don't see trading?

over 8 years ago
Re: Here is what I think :) My 2 Cents :)

Not saying it is that easy or that there wont be legal entanglement. When they merged all cells into one package they should have equilized the SOW ( work credits )across the claim group, and that should have moved the good till date forward. I dont see anywhere where this happened.?

I agree with your comments, and this isnot clean.


over 8 years ago
Here is what I think :) My 2 Cents :)


I logged into Mineral Titles on Line to see if I could claim an open cell or cells within the lapsed CXM claim group. Everytime I attempted to claim them it said cells not available. Hence the Gov. has put a hold on them. I am therefore suspecting a reversal of the cells back to CXM.

Otherwise these cells I was after should have been open. Likewise I dont see any cell transfers to new buyers , but did not research this.

Since all statement of work was current, I a guessing they willrevert back to CXM.

My 2 cents :)


over 8 years ago
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