NorthernBeattie's Profile

keeping it real

NorthernBeattie's Posts

Re: Watch for Halt

Yes. That may be the case. And I'm not 100% sure, but not all jr miners have "The Tesaro"? Lol and it not all of it is market correction. If even one time line or schedule was kept, we may not have lost 75% of our market value. There is more then one factor that contributed to the tanking. Some are out of the control of management, I accept that. It's the factors that management can control but choose not to that concernes me.

over 12 years ago
Re: Watch for Halt

I'd appreciate it if you used the correct person in your "quotations". Before you use "quotations" please do your research before you misuse them. I don't care about pumpers or bashers. Nor am I concerened about staying postive. I don't really care if we all sit around a fire and sing Kumbyah or not. I'm not here to be buddys, I'm here to make money. I have no emotional tie to this play at all. I do have emotional attachment to my hard earned money. That's my bottom line. As far as "bad decisions"? Yeah this is looking like a bad decision. But not because of what's in the ground, but because of those people who are running the company into the ground. Until this thing turns around I'll be as critical as I feel like. And if management somehow pulls this out of the gutter, I'll sing their praise. They have not given me one reason to do so thus far.

over 12 years ago
Re: Watch for Halt

Yeah the "any day now" talk was old 6 months ago. I realize that Lori is running "the show" but I can't help but think that we are pawns. And this carrot dangling infront of my nose is getting a little stale. I mean if the time line imposed by our own CEO isn't even remotely accurate, whats the point of saying anything. I think all the possible speculation is done and our investment is dwindling by the day. Any day was six months ago.....

over 12 years ago
Re: Different Views on Information Provided

I agree. I want maximum value as well. My only concern was, and still continues to be, is poor decision making by management. Whether it be lack of communication, poorly worded news releases, incomplete results, possible insider information leak, useless investor update meanings, insulting shareholders, etc. It causes me great concern that I may not be getting the maximum value for my investment. Long story short, management has done little to prove to me that they are capable to manage a property of this potential when it seems the fundamentals of running day to day operations are beyond their capibility.

over 12 years ago
Re: We must be closer

Yes I am in the same boat as you. Average buy in over $2. All we can do is wait for the next set of results and hope they turn this thing around. It is only money. A renewable resource. I chalk this up as an expensive learning lesson. Maybe it will be something we can all laugh about in a year or two, but right now it's not funny.

over 12 years ago
Re: Different Views on Information Provided

I agree. I want what management has told us, that is it. So far they promised the moon and gave us nothing. Not even excuses. Just silence, which has led to negative speculation. Clear and concise communication followed my relatively accurate time lines would have done wonders to keep investor confidence high.

over 12 years ago
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