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Northboy's Posts

Re: Sure is Quiet

Nickel, For once I do agree with you hopefully with this new V.P of operations things can change. But as for the mill you better check again. Have you heard who the new V.P. is ? What a job this fellow is coming into...I heard he is coming all the way from the southern states.

Anyway Iam still hanging on to the shares I have left, I do wish them the best as this has been a up and down road for the shareholders of this poor company..


over 13 years ago
Re: Sure is Quiet

Well here maybe I will give you fellows something to talk about.

1. The mill is down

2. Current mine manager has been removed

3. Tallings dam trouble(ministy of envirionment has shut them down until repaired)

I could go on but I will stick to the factual ones


over 13 years ago
Re: McWaters Economics

You guys need to look at the big picture. 1. How is LBE still running? And feeding the mill at production rates never seen in the history of lbe.

2.What is buying the company time? Until Mcwatters is in production.

3.Which factor makes the Hart and Mcwatters so much more economic.

4.Why havent the production rates, grades, and new mining methods been made more public from the Redstone


over 14 years ago
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