NorthWynd's Profile

NorthWynd's Posts

Re: Tidbits from Last Night - in no particular order

Thanks Golden,

I agree that your quote of:

Paul Gray was asked "off the record, what do you believe"? He said, "I will go on the record and say..." Murry paraphrased I think so I will - "it's an adrenaline rush to get up and go to work..."

is important.

Murray also noted that Paul Gray went over the results from the top 100m for the second time in that meeting, and finished the adrenaline statement with (again in paraphrase) "... You just can't wait to see what you're going to find next!"

And we will learn what the geos have found as each assay result comes forward!


over 12 years ago
Re: Someone's knocking at the door

Speaking for myself, I'm not interested, Gumby.

I believe that Lori heard of the CC idea from your post (granted), but then brought it to action of her own accord.

As far as this concersation is concerned, if you want to pursue your mini-coup, please do it on the off topic board.

I, for one, will place my vote and support firmly with the current leaders!!


over 12 years ago
The world economy keeps changing... (following up earlier reports)

Reading some news while eating lunch, and found this article on the Reuters website...

"PARIS/TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran is turning to barter - offering gold bullion in overseas vaults or tankerloads of oil - in return for food as new financial sanctions have hurt its ability to import basic staples for its 74 million people, commodities traders said Thursday." (emphasis added)

This is interesting in light of the previous discussion on China's use of gold bullion to pay for Iranian oil... as highlighted above, the physical gold can be stored in "overseas vaults" rather than needing to worry about the logistics of shipping!

When I look at this, and combine it with the warm reception in China (then stir in the rumoured displeasure of some major holders in the USA at the mere thought of Chinese involvement) I think that there may well be some informal bidding happening betwen Chinese and American interests as they vye for control of what may be the single largest gold play in history.

All this is only IMO, but if the resource is as large as I believe it to be through my own DD, then this is a play that will impact not just the major mining companies, but NATIONS!


over 12 years ago
Re: Nobody is selling that I talked to

Likewise on the western front, Sculpin. I know of several who have strengthened their position today, and are thankful for the opportunity to do so!


over 12 years ago
A bit of good news

Considering that SLI is a Canadian based company, there is benefit to our investment if we work within countries that are friendly towards Canada. According to this article from the Montreal Gazette, we are moving in the right direction with China!

JMO, of course.


over 12 years ago
Re: Flip the bird

I take some exception to the "crap results" comment, CRE... as has been stated by several posters there isn't enough information released (yet) to determine anything substantive!

I'm in until I see the gold in their eyes!


over 12 years ago
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