NopainNogain2's Profile

NopainNogain2's Posts

Re: low $4's will look like a bargain befor too long!

our foreclosure meltdown affected world markets ,US default will make that look like a bad hair day

about 13 years ago
Re: low $4's will look like a bargain befor too long!

nothing will happen until the us debt BS is over and the dollar does not collapse after all who in there right mind would start a building project of that scale ,with the dollar possibly sending world markets into a tailspin .

about 13 years ago
Re: Oman and Jordan set the trend in responsible tourism in Middle East

My guess is that a Time and place has been reached for the signing thats why the significant move people in the know are buying on the down low why they can this could go easy into the $20's when the press release goes out

about 13 years ago
Re: Oman Observer News on Omagine,I have a different feeling this time....

after three years it looks like it will happen any day now yep time to buy been buying little by little.

about 13 years ago
Re:What has happened to this board? It was the PULSE, the soul of Shareholders!

these guys hate to here the truth I posted yesterday how things have not change in over a year since I last checked in. they erased my post truth hurts plain and simple both side will continue to bleed the patents dry all these front company,s they keep investing in that don,t go anywhere filling the pockets of there circle of buddies no doubt some kick backs are in play no board of directors can be that stupid time after time, after time,after time................... so on. this repeat of badly misused capital over The past 7 years .no doubt this will b erased too.

over 13 years ago
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