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Re: Outside Looking In

Eloquently put H2O.I can assure you that I am not an employee of DYA.I do however, share both your and Pickins view on management.It is time John take this company and run it or appoint a CEO that has a vision and give him/her the authority to run it.

Grove seems to be the logical choice, but he too will be doomed to failure if he is not given the leeway and authority to run the company.From what I’ve garnered so far DYA’s technology seems to work, but like the Titanic it still needs a good captain.I do want to invest in DYA but only when I see that the ship has someone at the helm that won’t navigate into an iceberg.When I see that day my DD will be complete otherwise this company will just stay in the “watch” section of my portfolio until it’s no longer trading.

over 14 years ago
Outside Looking In

I've been watching this stock and particularly this discussion forum for several months and offer the following comments.

Individuals that have "supposedly” so much invested would be better served by bolstering the company then slamming the efforts of those trying to make the company a success.

If you’ve made a bad investment (and I’ve made plenty) why on earth would you go back and do it again, then publicly announce it and expect the investing community to consider that your comments have any merit?

According to the NVCA: “It is estimated that 40 percent of venture backed companies fail; 40 percent return moderate amounts of capital; and only 20 percent or less produce high returns. It is the small percentage of high return deals that are most responsible for the venture capital industry consistently performing above the public markets”.

Ask yourself where does this company place and did you know the above before investing in this market?

I have not decided one way or the other to invest in this company, but to date, the comments made in this forum haven’t influenced my decision one way or the other. Being on the outside looking in it appears on the surface that the most comments being made are by parties with ulterior motives or out of just plain ignorance.

Only the poster knows the answer to that!

over 14 years ago
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